Chapter 34.

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I place down my phone for what feels like the one hundredth time after Niall hangs up on me. I'm back in London in Louis' flat and Nadine is here to keep me company. Louis has went off to visit some friends as he can't seem to stand being in the same room as me right now. I slide off the bar stool in the kitchen island and head over to Nadine, who's sitting on the sofa. She's surrounded by cuddly stuffed toys and lots of tiny girly clothing; frilly dresses and white socks with pink ribbons on at the side. Her parents had delivered a full bunch of baby stuff to this address yesterday and to be honest, we couldn't be more thankful as we had been putting baby shopping to the last minute.

She was currently talking to our daughter, giggling as she sang nursery rhymes and listened as she kicked back. She looks up, sensing that I was watching her and she smiles fondly at me. "We need to start thinking up names, Harry." She grins and I sigh, sitting down next to her.

"Darcy." I voice and she wrinkles her nose at me.

"No, that's too common.." She replies and I frown at her.

"How about Amy?" She suggests and I wrinkle my nose back at her.

"Too chavish." I say. She frowns impatiently at me.

"Well, I suppose we still have time." She sighs and reaches over to rip off a piece of paper from the A4 pad on the coffee table and grabs a pen lying next to it. "Here. Make a list of all the names you'd like to use and I'll make a list, too. That way we can work from the lists." She offers, handing them too me. I meekly take them in my hand but I don't do anything. 

"I don't think baby names are my main priorities right now." I admit, praying to God that I didn't offend her. Her face falls and she smiles sympathy ally at me.

"I know," she replies softly. "I just thought it'd take your mind off...things." She shrugs and I smile warily at her, pecking her on the cheek. 

That weekend, I meet up with a few friends from work and they all take me out for drinks. I know I really shouldn't be drinking, especially after what happened the last time I drank but like Nadine said, I needed to get my mind off things. We do a few shots and after I've downed one or two bottles of tequila, I'm swaying slightly and clinging onto my friend, Julian. We're about to order another couple of beers when I see him. Niall. Well, actually, to be more accurate - I hear him first. I can hear him laughing and when I follow the sound of his laughter, I find him at the other end of the room, playing a dart game with one of his mates. Liam is watching close by and I can tell he's the sober one as he needs to be the one to keep an eye on his drunken friend. His girlfriend is perched on his lap, a French martini in her hand as she and Liam watch Niall hit the dartboard.

I can't help the feeling of dismay and disappointment that rises in my chest. How can he be so happy? Is he not heartbroken, like I was? This is bloody torture. It should be me who makes him laugh like that. My grip tightens around Julian and I can feel him trying to steady me when Niall's head turns round and his eyes fall on me. His smile immediately disappears and eyes turn watery and they cloud over. I avert my gaze from him and turn around to face the bar, ordering another drink. I look back and see that he's no longer there but when I do see a turf of blonde hair strolling through the crowd to the men's loos.

I let go of Julian and free myself from him before heading in Niall's direction and I eventually catch up with him, just as he's about to head into the bathroom. I grab at his hand and he gasps, turning around in fright. His face relaxes when he realizes it's me.

"S-sorry," I slur. "Didn't mean to scare you."

"Think you've got the wrong person Harry, I'm not Louis." He says, his voice sounding tired. I wince at his words.

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