Chapter 41.

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It takes for what seems like forever to explain to Harry that Nadine was gone and that she wasn't coming back. After the news, Harry had charged into Nadine's room to see him for himself – even after getting a lot of protests from the doctors and nurses. It was a shock to see Nadine the way she was. She just looked like she was sleeping, her head tilted onto the pillows but she just looked so frail and skinny and...ill. She had dark circles under her eyes and her hair was greasy but that was probably due to the labour.

Harry had rushed to her side, begging her to wake up but she never did. He tries to kiss her, as if somehow that'd attempt to wake up her up. I can't help but cry at the sight. He looked so broken, trying to figure out what had happened. I look to the doctor next to me to give me some answers.

"She suffered from haemorrhage. It's escaped blood from a ruptured blood vessel in the brain. It's not uncommon when it comes to early births. Not to mention, that her blood pressure dropped completely while she was in labour. It happened so quick that when we tried to save her, she was already gone." The doctor explained, looking at me sympathetically. Harry had stopped looking at Nadine to look at us talking, tears streaming down his face.

"So...if she had perhaps had an induced labour...she might have survived?" I croaked.

"There is a possibility, yes. But her labour was unpredictable, she was a month early." He sighs and I nod sadly, staring at Nadine's lifeless body. Harry finally stands up and turns to the doctor.

"Where's my daughter?" He croaks and I glance anxiously at the doctor.

"She's in ICU." He confirms and Harry starts but I press a hand on his chest.

"We're still running a few tests on her so it's best she's on her own just now -"

"I've just lost the mother of my daughter and now you're not letting me see my girl? What kind of doctor are you?" Harry presses, earning a glare from me.

"Harry." I warn but he ignores me.

The doctor clears his throat and studies us both carefully.

"Right this way." He finally sighs, we both follow the doctor out of the room and down to where Cara was held. She was in a private room, separate from all the other newborns. Like the doctor said, she was in an incubator with wires and tubes sticking out. She was breathing rapidly, so fast as if she was struggling to breath, her chest rising and falling quickly.

"I'm afraid only one person can see her for now." The doctor says as I start to follow Harry into the room. Harry looks back at me, a questionable look on his face.

"You go." I say quietly, squeezing his arm. Harry manages a small smile before entering the room to see his daughter. I stare through the window, watching Harry trying to interact with Cara while the doctor stood next to me. I watch in awe as Harry carefully reaches out through the incubator for Cara's hand. Cara wriggles around a little, her small body squirming as she reaches back out to Harry, as if she knew who Harry was. Her tiny fingers grip on Harry's large one and my heart broke at the sight of them.

That's when Harry's body started to shake and I knew he was crying. Oh, God. I'd never seen Harry cry before. Well, not that I know of. Seeing Harry cry was surreal. He's the toughest man I knew so it was scary to see him like this. This was horrible. I couldn't just stand here and watch.

"I'm sorry." I say quickly to the doctor and push past him to enter the room. I can hear Harry's drastic sobs as I go to comfort him, pulling him into my arms. Harry's body is trembling against my own as he cries, watching Cara stare back at him in wonder.

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