Chapter 21.

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At the gym, I meet up with Harry's personal trainer, Matt. He's tall, muscular, well built. His tight vest is hugging his muscles perfectly and his eyes are fierce and determined. He's carrying a protein shake in his hand while Harry stands beside him, grinning with his hands clasped behind his back. Harry introduces us and I shake hands with Matt's free one.

After about three sets of twelve squats, lunges, press ups and a few extra hours on the treadmill and wave machine, I'm exhausted. I pay Matt for my session and Harry walks me out. Matt trained me while Harry did his own thing and we're both - quite literally - drenched in our sweat. Our hair is sticking to our forehead and my clothes are sticking to my skin. My legs feel like jelly and I'm out of breath. Even so, Harry and I both walk past the showers in the mens' changing rooms. We can shower when we get home.

"So how was that?" Harry asks curiously, holding the door open for me before walking down the stairs to the car park.

"Not exactly what I had in mind." I admit breathlessly and Harry's eyebrows furrow together.

"How do you mean?"

"Well, I thought that you were gonna teach me the basics - y'know basic self defense." I admit and to my surprise, Harry laughs.

"That was just a warm up back there, Niall." he points out and my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"Don't worry, I am going to teach you the basics - when we get home." he adds and I nod, feeling a little more relieved.

We head to Cassandra's mansion - thankfully, she's not at home. Harry takes my hand and leads me to a small gym that's at the opposite side of the house to Harry's room. I'm actually not surprised that this place has a gym - it's Harry after all. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if the place had a bloody cinema. It does have a pool in the back garden, though.

I stand hesitantly in the doorway of the gym, my gym bag hanging loosely over my shoulder as Harry walks freely into the room. I watch him dig his hands into some chalk next to the blue gym mats and he turns round to face me, rubbing his hands together. "What?" he frowns, noticing my hesitation.

"Would it be okay if I showered first? I'm a bit smelly." I say innocently and Harry chuckles, shaking his head amusingly.

"It doesn't matter." he assures me. I sigh and dump my bag at the door and walk over to Harry, copying his moves. Once my hands are covered in chalk, I turn to him and give him an expectant look. Harry clears his throat and stands a few centimeters in front of me, his arms loose by his side.

"Okay, give me your best shot." he demands and I stare, wide-eyed at him.

"What do you mean?" I say and he sighs impatiently.

"Come on, hit me. As hard as you can." he says and I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm not gonna hit you, Harry." I reply and he rolls his eyes.

"First thing about being able to defend yourself is learning how to hit. Pretend I'm an attacker and you're an opponent. What do you do?" he smirks at me and I sigh, arms folded across my chest. I bite my lip as I stare at his devilish look, the glint in his eyes.

I let my arms go by my side and crack my knuckles a few times before raising a fist. I aim a punch at Harry's face but he blocks it, his whole hand covering my fist. I grunt as he shoves me away from him and I blink at him. He laughs at me and gives me a sympathetic look. "Oops, my mistake. That was reflexes, force of habit." he admits and I purse my lips at him.

"Show off." I mutter and he chuckles.

I raise a fist again and this time I do manage to hit Harry, but he doesn't even flinch. Okay, I admit. That was a weak shot. He wrinkles his nose at me.

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