Chapter 22.

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I dump my car keys in the bowl on the kitchen counter and make my way over to the living room. I had left Niall's for a couple of days to give him time to patch things up with Zayn. That and the fact that I haven't been to Louis' flat in ages. I needed to check up on him. The music isn't blaring as usual so when I go to check up on Louis in his bedroom, I find that he's fast asleep in his bed, the bed sheets sprawled aimlessly all over the place. Probably taking a nap. I smile a little and close the door behind me before heading back into the kitchen.  

I wait in the kitchen for him to wake up and when he does, he comes sauntering in. He's rubbing his sleepy eyes and when he sees me, his eyes widen a little before they become focused and he continues to ignore me. He brushes past me and grabs a cereal box from the cabin at the bottom and pours himself a fresh bowl of cereal. 

" can't keep ignoring me forever." I say, in an almost pleading tone. 

"Watch me." He mumbles back, pouring some milk onto his cereal. I bite the inside of my mouth, thinking of what to say. 

"You don't have a clue about me, Harry. You knew how I felt about Nadine yet you completely disregarded my feelings and made me go anyway!" He exclaims, grabbing his bowl of cereal and heading into the living room.  

"I just wanted you safe, that's all." I assure him, following after him. 

"Yeah, well, that didn't work out so well in the end anyway, did it?" He sighs.  

He munches away at his cereal as I sit down next to him. He's watching daytime television programs on the TV, the kind of programs that rot your brain. "Why are you here anyway? Shouldn't you be sticking your tongue down Niall's throat?" Louis presses and I flinch at little at his choice of words.  

"I'm letting him some sort some things out with Zayn, they had a bit of a falling out." I explain. 

"You do realize it's his birthday next week?" Louis counters and my eyes widen. 

"What?" I gasp and he chuckles. 

"Yeah, Liam told me. They're all going to a club at the weekend and he invited me." Louis says and I bury my face into my hands. 

"What do I do?" I mumble and Louis sighs. 

"Get him presents for one thing. And lots of them." He adds and I bite my lip, lifting my head off my hands. 

"Can you come shopping with me? I don't really know what to do when it comes to birthdays."  I ask hesitantly and Louis raises his eyebrows. 

"You're asking me for another favor? Now you're just pushing your luck, you." He snorts and my smile fades. 

"Lou, please. I'll never ask for anything from you ever again." I plead, pouting and clasping my hands together in a begging gesture. He chuckles half heartedly. 

"Now why don't I believe that?" He teases but I ignore him, continuing to beg until he finally rolls his eyes and gives in. 

"Fine. Why don't you just buy him what you got me for my birthday when we were dating?" He suggests and at that, my eyebrows furrow together. 

"I bought you an eternity ring when it was your birthday. I don't think Niall and I are quite there yet." I point out shyly and he sighs. 

"Yeah, I guess not." He agrees.  

At the mention of the ring, I look down at his fingers which are completely bare. No ring is placed on any of his fingers at all. I can't help but feel a bit offended.  

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