Chapter 23.

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I don't really know what to feel about this whole situation. Harry's ex girlfriend is living with me - not to mention, she's knocked up and Zayn has fled, leaving me to pay the rent fully for the next couple of days. I should be freaking out but strangely enough, I'm not. Liam said there should be a thousand of warning bells running around in my mind right now but there isn't. Zayn going to Perrie's is just a little bit of weight being lifted off of my shoulders and it's not as if Nadine and I are mortal enemies. Well, I hope not anyway.

Nadine is discharged from the hospital a few days later if she promises to take it easy, from what I gathered. I kind of feel sorry for Nadine. She's all alone in France with nothing but maids to keep her company while all her friends are at Uni. It's probably just as well I offered to let her stay otherwise Harry would wind her up in some cheap motel in London before she heads back to France.

Nadine doesn't really do much when she comes home to my flat. She really just saunters around and watches daytime TV all the time. It's Jeremy Kyle that's on mostly. I don't know how she can watch that show, it's rotten. She currently has a cup of orange juice in her hands again, balanced on her belly as she takes a few sips from a straw. I'm in the kitchen, watching her from a distance. Her legs are plumped on the coffee table, a cushion under her feet. It's around noon and we've just finished an early lunch.

I dump the dish towel in my hands on the kitchen counter before heading in to greet Nadine. "Why don't you go a walk or something? You look bored stiff." I suggest warily and her eyebrows furrow together.

"Are you trying to get rid of me already?" She asks, looking hurt and realization dawns on me on how that could've went.

"No! No, of course not. I mean, you just look a little bit bored. Besides, I have work soon so I'm gonna be out most of the day." I shrug carelessly and her expression softens.

"I don't know. I suppose I could do with a little bit of fresh air," she agrees hesitantly and I smile.

"Great!" I beam.

So after we're both dressed and fresh from the shower, we part ways. However, halfway through my shift at Tesco I realize that maybe sending Nadine out the flat was probably a bad idea. She ends up catching up with Harry. I'm in the baby isle when it happens, stacking shelves as per usual. I see them both turning a corner to the isle, smiling and laughing at each other. Something tight tugs at my heart at the sight of them. I'm denying that it's jealousy but I know deep down that's what it is. Why am I even bothered about this? I know I shouldn't be. Harry's made it clear to me that he's not interested in Nadine at all.

"Hi, Niall. We were just talking about you." Nadine says fondly and my heart sinks.

"You were?" I ask doubtfully.

"Yeah, I was telling her you worked here. She wanted to say hi." Harry explains simply. Oh.

"Well, hi." I say and she giggles a little.

"We're actually in here for some baby stuff." Harry admits sheepishly and my heart thuds and I glance up at him, trying to hide my glare.

"Isn't it a little soon for that?" I ask anxiously.

"Yes but it's good to have a browse and be prepared." Harry reasons and I shrug carelessly. He notices my sudden change of mood and studies me carefully. Nadine senses the tension, her eyes darting between Harry and I.

"Actually, I'm going to have a look at the maternity clothes. I'll meet you at the check-outs, Harry." Nadine says, breaking the awkward silence. She smiles briefly at us both before disappears around the corner.

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