Chapter 18.

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It's been five days. Five days since I talked to Harry about wanting see his life. I've been texting him and phoning him but every time I try to talk to him he says he's busy. I hope I haven't scared him off. It's just hard for to me believe. But in a way, it kind of makes sense as to why he's so emotionally shut down.  

The next time I see him, I'm at work. I'm stacking shelves as per usual when I see him. He's strolling down the isle, his hands sunk deep in his pockets. He has that cocky smile plastered on his face and he knows he has that effect on me. I drop the frozen peas I was holding in one of the boxes and greet him.  

"How's Louis?" I ask casually. 

"He's good, he got discharged on Wednesday. Away seeing his family now." He replies and I nod, smiling at him.  

"How are you?" he asks, suddenly frowning. Confused as fuck I think in my head, but don't bother telling him that. 

"I'm fine." I lie. I know he can tell I'm lying but he doesn't bother mentioning it. 

"So, uh...I'm free to show you what you want...if you are." He clears his throat and my eyes widen.

"Really?" I ask hopefully and he nods. I wonder what made him change his mind. 

"Um...I'm actually like, half way through my shift right now...I'll call you later?" I offer warily and be repeats a nod. He leans over and pecks me on the cheek lightly and when he's gone, I'm left feeling dumb founded as I graze my fingers across my cheek.  

Harry picks me up after my shift and he takes me to a remote mansion on the outskirts of London. It's surrounded by wild flowers and bushes and the iron gates swing open for us, leading up to two drive ways side by side of a water fountain.  

He sees my puzzled expression and says, "This is Cassandra's house." My mouth forms into the shape of an 'o' as he parks the car and pulls the key out of the ignition. It's then I notice he's dressed in a suit. A pale blue button down shirt, a navy blue tie and a black blazer with shiny black shoes and matching pants. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize we were meeting the queen." I tease at him and he smirks. 

"I was at a conference earlier, I picked you up straight from work." He answers simply. 

"Oh." I reply and open the door, following his suit.  

He leads me to the doors and opens them for me, stepping aside to let me in. When I walk in, my mouth falls open. There's a kitchen island in the far corner and in the centre is some sort of lounge. Two spiral stair cases lead up to the second floor and beneath that, a grand piano sits. I wonder if Harry's ever played. Harry's hesitating, his hands sunk in his pockets and I'm about to open my mouth to speak when I hear footsteps and Cassandra appears at the top of the stairs, her hand pressed against the banister. Her long, purple hair flows past her shoulders and she stares at us intensively. 

"Hello, boys. What can I do for you?" She asks, walking down the stairs.  

"I want to show Niall." Harry admits and Cassandra's lips form into a thin line. Her gaze turns to me and she's studying me carefully, her eyes narrowed. 

"Doesn't he know enough?" She asks uncertainty and Harry shakes his head. 

Cassandra heaves a deep sigh. "All right, then. You know the way." Cassandra gestures to the grand white door behind the stair cases and I follow Harry past the piano. I watch as his fingers graze over the platform of the piano, as if tempted to play.  

Harry pushes the doors open and leads me down a dark basement. He opens another door once we've reached the bottom of the stairs and my jaw drops. It's like walking into a scene from 50 Shades of Grey, the Red Room. A red leather sofa sits next to a matching red four poster bed, with ropes tied at the front. Pieces of sex equipment lie against the walls or on shelves and chains are hung in the centre of the room and a golden-framed mirror sits at the far end. I step through the door and sit on the sofa, taking it all in. Harry's leaning against the doorway, his head bowed and he's saying nothing. He doesn't need to. Nadine was telling the truth.  

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