King For A Day

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Violet's POV

"Violet. Get up."

I rolled over, "What time is it?" I mumbled. Why can't these people just let me sleep?

"It's 7 o clock," Gerard said, "It's your first day of school. C'mon Vi, school starts at 8. Get up."

I opened my eyes and Gerard turned the light on, instantly blinding me.

"Gerard, turn it off." I grumbled, "I don't want to go to school."

"No one wants to go to school," Gerard said, "But you do it anyway. I made pancakes for you downstairs, so hopefully that makes it a little better. I'm going to go wake up Bandit."

Gerard left the room. My eyes were adjusting to the light. I could see now. I got out of bed and put on the clothes I had laid out the night before: An All Time Low Future Hearts shirt, new bracelets, black ripped skinny jeans, and light blue tye dye DC's.

I went downstairs. Gerard put some whipped cream and a candle on a stack of pancakes and slid it towards me.

"Happy birthday sunshine," He said, "Here's your pancakes."

"Where's Lindsey?" I asked him and took a bite.

"She's over at the studio with the rest of Mindless Self Indulgence. But she'll be here when you get home." Gerard said.

Bandit hopped down the stairs looking as adorable as always. "I'm ready for school!" She said and joined me at the table. "Happy birthday Violet!"

I smiled, "Thanks Bee."

Once we finished breakfast me and Bandit got our backpacks and Gerard drove us to school. Gerard parked right outside the middle/high school. "I'll be here at 3:15 to rescue you," He said, "Remember Violet, go to the office first to get your schedule and stuff and then I think someone's going to show you to your classes. Make friends, okay?" Gerard gave me a quick kiss on the forehead, "Have fun, sunshine. I love you."

I high fived Bandit, "Have a good day, Bee," I said, "And if any boys try to kiss you, you have my permission to slam them to the ground."

Bandit giggled, "Okay Violet, I will."

"Don't tell her that," Gerard scolded me, "Bandit don't punch the boys, be nice to everyone."

I entered the school. The main office was labeled with a big sign. Thank God.  My anxiety lowered just a bit. "Can I help you?" The receptionist asked me.

"Um, I'm a new student." I said, "My name is Violet Way."

She looked around in a filing cabinet and gave me my schedule and a lock for my locker.

"Here's your schedule and lock," She said, "Your locker is number 69. Edward here will show you around the school."

A boy I hadn't noticed stood up and walked over to me. He had dirty blond hair and the middle of it was dyed green, his eyes were a deep blue. Edward also wore a Pierce The Veil shirt, bracelets covered his wrists. I wonder if he wears them for the same reason I do.

We left the office. "I like your shirt." He complimented me. "Thanks Edward." I said.

"First off, don't call me Edward. That's such a stupid name. My family calls me Jinx." He told me.

"Jinx. That's different. How did you get that nickname?"

"I am the carrier of bad luck," Jinx said, "With me everything goes wrong, no matter what the situation. I'm a jinx that cannot be broken."

"Wow," I said, "And I like your shirt. Pierce The Veil is one of my favorite bands. So, what other music do you like?"

"Fall Out Boy, Green Day, Panic! At The Disco, Bring Me The Horizon, Paramore Sleeping With Sirens, and My Chemical Romance. That's a few of my favorites. Hey, your name is Violet Way right? Any relation to Gerard Way?" Jinx asked me.

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