The Rivalry Chapter 25

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I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I took a deep breath and sighed; another morning. I rolled over and was surprised to find the other side of my bed empty. Where was Grant? I opened one eye, half expecting to see his emerald orbs staring back at me but they weren't. I scanned the room and he was nowhere to be found, he must be off doing business of some sort. I slowly got out of bed and stretched and opened the curtains. I smiled as bright light shined back at me. It was definitely breakfast time and my stomach agreed with me as it growled. I dressed quickly, in one of my lighter gowns, a yellow one. I let my hair hang down and I quickly made my way down to the kitchens. I hadn't visited Reuben, the chef, in quite some time. I used to romp off down to the kitchens at least twice a week when I was younger, making messes of my face and hair.

I enjoyed the light feeling that the palace held, it always got this way around spring time. It was only a short time before I was being greeted by the stout cook.

"Why if it isn't Lynnae!! You've become a stranger, come to make a mess of yourself again?" He said as he embraced me tightly. I laughed and hugged him back. He was a short round man and he had a huge personality and a very large mustache to match it.

"Hello Reuben, it's nice to see you too. And, yes, I've come to get some breakfast," I said, following the man through the kitchen as he walked to a hanger and grabbed an apron.

He turned and held out the blue apron, "I haven't forgotten the very strict orders I got from your mother years ago."

I smiled sheepishly as I extended my hand and grabbed the garment from him. "I do think I am quite old enough to cook without making a mess of things."

"We'll see. What will it be today?" He smiled.

"What are my choices?" I asked.

"Anything you'd like. Hot cakes, corn bread, omelet, fried bread, sausages, hash, anything at all."

"Mmm...I haven't had one of your omelets in the longest time. That would be superb." I smiled. He handed me a dish of assorted vegetables and a damp towel.

"Alright. You wipe off and chop those vegetables and I'll start the egg batter."

I hummed lightly as I wiped off and chopped the vegetables into small little pieces. When I finished I watched him make the omelet mixture of eggs and vegetables. As he cooked the omelet I wandered around and found fruit. I gathered some peaches and strawberries that I would eat alongside my main dish.

"Reuben, can I make an apple pastry too when I am finished with my breakfast? Like the ones I used to help you make when I was young?" I asked as I chewed on a strawberry.

"Of course. Anything you wish, just gather three ripe apples from the orchard for me and your breakfast will be finished when you get back."

I smiled as I exited the kitchen. I walked down a few hallways and exited the side of the palace that opened right into the gardens. There were plots filled with tons and tons of vegetables, and fruit trees, we always had the freshest foods for our meals. I hummed as I walked out through the trees and picked four crisp green apples and put them into the pocket of my apron.

As I turned back to go to the palace, a group of men caught my eye. They were on the other side of the gardens, which was an open meadow. The men had to be young, around twenty or so. They were all facing the same way, holding wooden swords and bows. They were all watching one man who was pacing back and forth, obviously the instructor. I squinted and immediately recognized the fluid gate of the man in the front, it was Grant. I smiled to myself; he was helping to train the new army. Our armies had been very different in fact, the LeHarce and the Ahmisto.

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