Sacrifice's Precipitation

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“No sacrifice, no victory.” Stated by the character Sam Witwicky in the movie “Transformers”

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57

Precipitate: “send someone or something suddenly into a particular state or condition” New Oxford American Dictionary

Ok, so it might be a little strange or dorky to quote a line from the movie Transformers, but the quote is exactly right, and I wanted to talk about it. Rarely in life does anyone achieve much of anything without sacrificing something. In fact, I think I could safely say, no one has ever achieved anything without making some sort of sacrifice. I gave up time and comfort to be able to join the military; and at times, I still sacrifice those things for my job, but it's been well worth it, because it's brought me a life I find fulfilling, and lifestyle I feel blessed to enjoy. However, the sacrifices I've made are insignificant to the sacrifices of others. Everyday, people suffer much more than I do to make a living. And millions have died defending their countries and communities. But even those sacrifices, however amazing and honorable they are, can't compare to the ultimate sacrifice made on our behalf. When God sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross for us, He showed us a love beyond compare. That act immediately precipitated our salvation. And while every sacrifice throughout history has had its reward, none can compare with the reward we can daily reap through the crucifixion of Christ. There will always be times in all of our lives when we don't feel like making a sacrifice, but we could all benefit from remembering the blessings we enjoy because of the sacrifices of others. And we would do well to realize the potential gains that can be made through the sacrifices we make now.

Daily Journaling Questions:

How did I help someone in kindness today?

What did I learn today?

What am I thankful for?

Who did I love today?

What about today do I want to remember forever?

What are my goals for tomorrow?

As always, thank you so much for taking the time to read, it means a lot to me and I appreciate you.


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