Mind over Mind

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“Once you begin to understand and realize what you are capable of, the whole world changes.” Ben Carson

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. Proverbs 14:23

Inherent: “existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute” New Oxford American Dictionary

He grew up from a young age without a father, in a ghetto of Detroit, where the possibilities of being swallowed up by depression, hopelessness, and gang violence was almost inherent. Determined to give them a future, his mother made him and his brother read two books a week and turn in reports on them to her. She would put a red check mark on them as a symbol that they had passed. She must have trusted their integrity, because later he found out his mother could not read. But she was determined to instill in them education and confidence, so that they could become whatever they wanted; and that's what they did. His brother is now an engineer and Ben Carson has become what he wanted to be since he was eight years old. At 33 he became the youngest doctor to head a major department at Johns Hopkins. There, as a pediatric surgeon he organized and headed a team of 69 to assist him in successfully separating two siamese twins attached at the back of their heads. A feat that is one of many pioneering, first time achievements. He's received the presidential medal of freedom, sits on multiple boards of directors of influential organizations and companies, and has given the opportunity of higher education to thousands through his scholarship fund. And he didn't do it by just being smart. As a child Ben lagged behind in school and became depressed after others made fun of him for it. However, he didn't give up and resign himself to being the stupid person he thought he was. With the encouragement of his mother, he changed his mind about what he was capable of, and in doing so changed his life. He says, “I had the same brain, just a different attitude.” You may or may not have heard of him, but if you haven't, I would encourage you to be learn about Dr. Ben Carson, the author of “Gifted Hands,” “The Big Picture,” and “Think Big,” among others. Who know's what we can accomplish with an attitude like His.

Daily Journaling Questions:

How did I help someone in kindness today?

What did I learn today?

What am I thankful for?

Who did I love today?

What about today do I want to remember forever?

What are my goals for tomorrow?

Thank you for reading,


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