Kairos Moments

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“If you don't value your time, nobody else will.” Unknown Author

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the LORD a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 2 Peter 3:8

Kairos: “a time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action: the opportune or decisive moment” Allwords.com

As humans we have a finite amount of time in this world, and a purposeful life requires time. It's important that we value the time we have to accomplish whatever it is that fulfills our lives. If you're a carpenter, the time you take to build a house is valuable and deserves compensation. If you're a doctor you've taken time from your life to learn a valuable and difficult skill and that deserves reimbursement. If you're a stay at home mom, you will never be compensated with money, but you deserve payment non the less; the satisfaction of raising productive children cannot be valued. The point is, your productive activities deserve compensation whether it be monetary or other. We should value our time so that it is not wasted on meaningless activities that don't provide value to our lives and so that we don't let others waste our time for us. Every moment we have is a kairos moment, what opportunity does this moment hold for you?

Daily Journal Questions

How did I help someone today?

Name an act of of kindness I performed today.

What have I learned today?

Who did I love today?

What is my goal for tomorrow?

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