Chapter 48 - Pic of Mark's Ford Fusion

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James's POV

            It's December 26th today. Yesterday was Mark's birthday. I was hanging out with Daniel and Mark. Then my phone rang. It was Jenny. I answered quickly. She said she needs my help. She tried to call Mark, but his phone is unavailable. She's having contractions.

            I got up from the table rapidly and said to Mark: "Mark, we have to go, Jenny is having contractions.".

            Mark instantly got up and said: "We'll go with my car.".

            I told her we're on our way and hung up. Mark was looking after Jenny while I was gone. I called him before I left my home and gave him the assignment to look after her and make sure she has everything she needs. He was the only one I could think of at the time since he was unemployed then. Since Jenny and Mark spent a lot of time together, they came to like each other. Mark told me that in confidence two or three weeks ago. No one else knows.

            Daniel said he's going out now too, he had some things to do and go to work at 3 pm. The three of us rushed downstairs, Daniel went to his car and Mark and I got to his and went to Jenny's place. She was in pain, it was obvious by the look on her face. We rushed to the hospital with her and a few hours later, she gave birth to a girl.

            When the doctors allowed us we went into the room to see her. She was happy and smiling, holding her baby girl. She said she'll name her Erica. Jenny's father was Eric, that's why she picked that name. We smiled to her approvingly. Mark went over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. And I did just the same. We spent some time with the two of them and then I said I should go. I wanted to visit Dina.

            Mark said he'd like to stay some more with Jenny and the baby. I agreed and said I'll go to visit Dina for a while and then we'll go home. I had to go to work tonight. I went away, leaving them alone. I will buy a new phone for Mark, as a late birthday gift. The one he uses now is always turning off and loosing signal. He talked about that while we were in the car on the way to Jenny's.

Mark's POV

            James went to visit Dina, she's in the same hospital, just at the different floor. I was talking to Jenny. She let me hold Erica for a while. She was so small and helpless. And I loved her like she's mine. And that was all that I needed to decide.

            I turned to Jenny and said: "Jenny, we know each other for a while, and I really like you. I would really like to give you the family you deserve, if you want. You, Erica and I, a family. Huh? What do you think?".

            Jenny smiled to me and said: "Really? You'd like that?".

            When I nodded my head confirming, she continued: "Oh, I'd really like that! I really like you too, but I was too afraid to tell you. I thought... I don't know what I thought. Probably that you don't like me that way and that you're just being polite.", she said nervously.

            I approached her and said: "But I really do like you. I have liked you for a long time.", and then I kissed her. She kissed me back.

            "So, let's just skip dating. Will you marry me?", I asked smiling.

            She smiled back and said shortly: "Yes!".

            We kissed and then talked some more, making plans for the future. Deciding where we'll live, how we'll decorate the baby's room and other stuff. I gave Erica back to Jenny, and she snuggled with her. I was so happy. After a while James came back, entering the room while he looked at his phone. We told him our news as soon as he closed the doors.

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