Chapter 26

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I sprint down the corridor, and push open the doors of the theatre hall. The girls and the guys follow me inside, and the floor is just full Endstone.

The chilly stone sends a shiver up my spine, so much I could feel the cold through my shoes. We all run up to the stage, where Seto stands, baffled at what is infront of him.

"What.. is this?!" he exclaims. The sorcerer stands infront of, none other than an End Portal. All twelve of the portal frames are decked with Eyes of Ender.

The void shimmers in the three-by-three area, sparkling with stars and multiple shades of blues, purples and greens.

"This can not be real right now," Jerome mumbles.

Mitch puts a hand on his shoulder, giving him a small peck on the cheek. "Well you better go ahead and believe it, biggums."

Ty tenses up, hugging onto Adam's arm. "Are we actually going to go into the portal and fight the Ender Dragon?!"

Jason shrugs. "What other choice do we have at this point? As if anyone else would know what to do."

Tassy raises an eyebrow. "And you guys do?" The guys all nod.

Hazel speak up. "Would we need back up at some time?" Everyone shrugs. "I'm gonna take that as a yes."

* * *

We're waiting for Hazel to come back from her search of back up recruits. She said they were really skilled fighters and they've done thousands of things like this.

Adam and Ty also brought in some people. They introduced us to two of their friends, Ian and Quentin. Jason brought in his boyfriend, Tyler, too.

Haze soon walks into the theatre with four guys a little older than us. I stand instantly from my seat. "You!"

Everyone stands up and stands by me, glaring at the group she brought in. "Wait, you guys already know each other?!" Hazel exclaimed.

"No, no. This ain't cool, Hazel. Is this a joke?" Preston hisses.

She throws her head back, groaning. "Hey, there's an upside to this, you know."

"And what's that?" Seto growls.

Hazel flails her arms around in the air. "Um, less people could die?!"

"But Hazel, you don't know our history with the Pack," I say calmly.

"Even Quentin and I know these guys," Ian speaks up. "They're bad news."

Tyler raises a hand. "Dido."

"Ugh! Can't you guys just work together this once and get along?" Hazel groans. "Then you guys can go back to your own lives, and forget about any of this."

"Get along?! These are the very people that almost killed all of us!" Mitch shouts.

I nudge Seto while everyone argues, and we walk over to the portal. I lean over the frame, feeling the wind that seemed to pull me in.

"I cannot believe this is going on. This is an exact replica of from that video game me and the guys play," I mumble to him.

Seto lifts his hand and pinches me. I flinche away, and punch him playfully in the arm.

"Well, this isn't a dream, huh?" Seto says, putting a hand to his chin in a thinking position. "Nope," I reply.

* * *

It was a while later, and somehow everyone agreed with taking the Pack with us on the journey. We made a deal if they betray any of us, we're throwing them into the void.

We all stand, all sixteen of us, gathered around the portal. "I think Hazel and I will stay here, you guys," Tassy says. We nod. The two step down away from the portal.

I take a deep breath as I stare into the void. Seto reaches for my hand to comfort me, and I let him hold it.

I was completely terrified of what could happen in the End. There was a dragon we had to battle, for crying out loud! What couldn't happen to us?

Adam speaks up. "Everyone ready?" We all nod, but the Pack exchange glances. The four nod as well.

"One.." I start us off.

Seto looks over at me with worried eyes. "Two.." he says.

"Three!" All of us chant, leaping in.


Lol, leaving it there at a cliffhanger. But don't hate me too yet!

I have news... DREADFUL news...

LOL Anyways, I'm ending the book at chapter 30. :(: Very mixed emotions for me about dis. BUT DO NOT WORREH. DERE BE A SQUEAL :D
In Seto's POV too! :3

I will post an announcement after chapter 30 when it's out. So keep a look out! Bye my legos!


#IRegretNothing :3

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