Chapter 5

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I walk down the gravel path to Sector C of the dorms, where Tassy instructed me to go. I'm still smiling from the girl's cheery tone.

I walk into Sector C, waltzing down the ailes of doors. I come to a stop, dorm 7. Beside each door is a small whiteboard for the students to write on. On dorm 7's, has the name "Seto" on it drawn in purple letters and black swirls around it.

I shrug. Cool name, I guess. I swipe the card Tassy gave me for the room over the scanner, and the door unlocks with a click.

A boy, sitting on the top bunk of a bunk bed, has a pile of neatly stacked books beside him. He looks awfully familiar, his grey and purple cloak, his soft brown hair, his pale skin.

"Hi," I say, breaking the silence. Seto, I think the name was, looks up at me.
A confused look etches his face as does mine, then a look of realization.
He jumps off the top bunk with a burst of energy.

"Hey! You're that kid I saw at the bus stop, right?"

I nod and he smiles. "I never did get your name," I say.

"Seto," he says, holding out a gloved hand for me to shake, which I do.

"Name's Brice."

"Nice to meet you then, Brice. Again," Seto says with a small snicker. I reply with a roll of my blue eyes.

A ring comes from my backpack, and Seto's confused glance returns. I pull out my laptop and answer the Skype call I was invited to.

"Hey guys!" I say. I get a response from a few of my friends. Ty, that 'deadlox' guy I met on MineCraft a couple months ago introduced me to a few of his friends, like Adam, Mitch, Jerome and Jason.
Most of us live in different states, minus Mitch. He's in a province instead up in Canada.

"How's your first day doing, biggums?" Jerome asks me as Seto walks up, seeing the screen.

"Oh, it's fine. Doing great!" I exclaim. I shift my laptop a bit so my roommate is shown. "And guys, I want you to meet Seto! He's my roommate."

Seto is met with some "hello's" and cheers. I look over and see he's smiling. I can tell we're gonna be pretty good friends.

I continue chatting for a while and Seto returns to his book flipping. I say bye to the guys and hang up on the call, closing my laptop.

With my head hanging off the side of my bed, which is the lower bunk, I exaimine my new dorm.
It has mediumish blue paint covering the walls, a wooden ceiling and a soft, carpeted floor.

It really gives me a headache thinking about how much this place would've cost to build.

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