Chapter 11

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I sprint out of the door of the dorm, not listening Seto's yells for me to stop.

I run through the halls, then skid to a stop. Preston and Lachlan hold Dar back and Rob and Vikk grab a hold of my arms.

"Don't do it! No one deserves this bullshit!" I shout, my face heating up with anger. The Pack grins and the grip tightens.

"Brice, what is going on?" Dar hisses through clenched teeth.

"Shut up!" Preston growls and Lachlan kicks Dar's legs, making him fall.
"God dammit.." I hear Dar mutter.

Before I can spit at our captors, Vikk slaps a piece of duct tape on my mouth and Rob shoves me into one of the janitor closets.

"Good luck trying to get out!" Rob exclaims as the door slams shut and is locked. I crawl over to the door and press my ear against. Footsteps and quiet sobbing, probably Dar. None of this should have happened to him, to anyone other than me.

My hands were taped behind my back so as if I could beat down the door. I lean against the door, taking deep breathes through my nose to calm me down. I guess people'll smell my flesh rotting.

* * *


Where the hell is he?"

I blink well-deserved sleep from my eyes, my vision spotted black and my stomach growling.

I kick at the door trying to signal the voices down the hall. Fast footsteps approch, followed by a slam and the door swings open. I feel my eyes begin to tear up and the duct tape over my mouth is ripped off.

Seto falls to his knees and pulls me into a tight and worried hug, and we cry into each others shoulders.

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