Chapter 18

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I pace around the shelter I made, gripping my diamond sword in my hand. Night was about to fall, and I was ready for it all.

I put my iron helmet on as banging began from the other side of the door. They're here. I already had my iron leggings and boots on, along with my diamond chestplate.

"Mr. Solace, before you go out there.."

I turned around, to see the familiar face of Notch. "What is it?"

A smirk shows from behind his goatee. "You may want to come with me, if you want a real fighting challenge."

My eyes widen. "What's the challenge?"

"Just meet me at Obsidian Plains with enchanted gear and weapons." And with that he poofs out in a huff of smoke.

I reach for the doorknob. I shrug. "I need experience to enchant, anyways!"

I swing open the door, my diamond sword slicing right through an unlucky zombie.

* * *

I shuddered as I stepped into the biome. Obsidian Plains was never a friendly place.

This place was told in the legend of Herobrine. A great battle broke out when the monsters came into the Overworld from caves, where they belonged.

Herobrine fought against his brother, who is never named. Herobrine called apon his allies, the Wither and the Enderdragon, who sent their strongest mobs to fight with the ruler of Hell.

Herobrine then created a blast so huge, it ended the entire battle, the mobs included in it, and the once beautiful biome that's now scattered with the rock.

No one knows if Herobrine or his brother survived, but there is a chance.

I walk up to Notch, who stood infront of a crater in the ground. That's where Herobrine stood when he made the blast.

"Glad to see you have arrived. Most would fall back at the oppertunity of this battle," he smiles.

I laugh. "I was about to. Now what am I fighting?"

Notch looks at me seriously. "Not what, Brice. Who. And they're down there," he says, pointing to the deep crater. It must go to bedrock.

I sigh, placing a water bucket down. I slide down, until I'm met with a temple of bedrock and obsidian, along with multiple other blocks I'm not familiar with.

I grip my enchanted diamond sword in my hand confidently. The weapon's enchanted with Sharpness V, Fire Aspect III, and one more secret enchant.

A deep laugh echos throughout the cave I stand in, sending a shiver down my spine. I take a deep breath and walk into the temple.

On a throne of nether brick and bedrock, sits the one and only. Him.


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