Chapter 13

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I yawn, my eyes fluttering open, preparing to wake up, even over how much I don't want to.

I swing my legs over the bed, blinking the sleep from my eyes. I glance up to see Seto's arm hanging off his bunk. I sigh in relief, glad he wasn't taken over night.

I scoop up my backpack, throwing it over my shoulder and about to walk out of the dorm.

Oops, I think and I turn around. I walk over to the other side of the room and lock the window, just in case. Then I walk out of the dorm.

* * *

I'm greeted by a half-asleep Tassy when I walk into the main lobby. She's resting her head in her hand, her elbow propping her up.

I poke her head and her head snaps up.

"W-wha?!" Tassy blurts out, rubbing her eyes.

I laugh. "Hey Tassy."

She looks up. "Hey Brice, glad you're feeling better." I nod. The wooden door of the main entrance creaks open, and five friendly, familiar faces walk in.

"Brice!" they all cheer. I run up to hug my friends.

"Wow! I can't believe you guys are here!" I exclaim, pulling away from the group hug. I turn around to face a confused Tassy.

"Oh, Tassy, this is Adam, Ty, Mitch, Jerome and Jason!" I introduce them, she and the guys each shaking hands.

"Nice to meet you guys! Any friends of Brice are friends of mine," she says, smiling.

"So, how's it going with you and Seto?" Jason speaks up.

"Uh, everything's fine. But I haven't told him yet.." I say, rubbing the back of my neck. Adam punches me playfully in the shoulder.

"Well, you gotta tell him. Before the chance gets taken away from you."

I smiled at that. They all said that exact thing to each other to support them. And it worked well. Adam's with Ty, Jerome's with Mitch and Jason's with another one of our friends, Tyler.

I shrug. "I suppose you guys are right."

"Of course we are!" Mitch laughs.

The happy mood dropped like a rock when a scream sounded from the way of the dorms.

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