Chapter 14

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I burst into my dorm room, Tassy on my heels. My heart shatters to see Seto's missing. The window was wide open. I slowly walked over to the desk, where there was a note.

"Hey Solace? How's it going? Two weeks are up. Tyler was just a warning. Seto a pre-caution. Go to your foster home and protect your "family" while you still have one, why don't you? Come alone.

-The Pack"

A tear slips down my cheek, and I turn around to see Tassy and the guys behind me.

"Brice..?" Tassy begins, breaking the silence.

"I have to go," I state, walking past them all.

"What?! You can't! Not by yourself!" Jason half shouts at me.

I turn to face them all. "Did you not see the note? It said to come alone! If any of you follow me, my foster family and Seto are gonna die!" And with that I run off.

* * *

I yank open the door to the house, glancing around the empty living room.

"Brice!!" I hear Mouse scream from downstairs. I run towards them.

"Mouse!" I shout as I see Preston holding a knife to Mouse's neck, the same one I saw in the nightmare.

Preston smirks. "Back off, Solace. One more step and he dies."

My face turns red in anger.

"Are you joking?!" I scream, furious. "No one other than me deserves this! Now you let go Mouse! You let go my family! You let go Seto!"

Preston drops Mouse. "If you say so yourself," he grins. "Boys! Let 'em go. We've got Solace!"

Rob, Lachlan and Vikk come in, evil smirks on every one of their faces.

"Well, well, well. Look what the cactus dragged in.." Vikk laughs.

"Why, this just got hawt 'n spiocy!" Rob says.

I hold out my hands in an innocent manner. "Now.. You can let Seto go, right?"

They all laugh. "As if!"

Lachlan speaks up. "We can let your friends out of this, mate, but you and Seto are staying with us."


Preston holds back my arms as I'm escorted outside and to a dark van that's parked down the road. A man, about the Pack's age, sat in the driver's seat.

"Where to? The hideout?" the driver said.

"Right you are, Mat," Rob said and the engine started.

* * *

When we exitted the car, I ended up blindfolded. I'm guessing I was being guided back to the Pack's hideout in the woods.

I'm thrown down onto the stone ground of the familiar prison cell without warning, hearing the door close.

I hold my scraped arm, blood slowly spilling from the scratches.

I yank off my blindfold, rip it, and wrap the cloth around my wounded arm.

"B-Brice?" A scared voice emits from the shadows.

"Seto? Are you alright?"

My best friend crawls out of the darkness of the cell. His cloak is missing, showing his body covers in scrapes and bruises. I immediatly pull him into a hug.

"Oh Seto.. I'm so sorry this happened," I whisper softly into his ear.

When we pull away, I notice Seto has his hand covering part of his face. I reach my hand up, grasping his, pulling it down from his cheek.

I gasp.

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