Chapter 9

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I haven't been to the MAU campus in a week. Therefore a week without seeing my friends. Seeing Seto.

At least the Pack are those nice kind of kidnappers, if there is such a thing. They untied me from that chair I was in, they give me food and water once everyday and they gave me a few blankets. That kind of kidnapper.

A click of the lock sounds from the metal door. Rob opens the door, Preston, his second-in-command, at his side.

Preston nods his head for me to stand and I obey. Once I get close, he grabs my wrists and pulls them against my back.
Rob speaks up. "Remember. You are to gather information about your sorcerer friend--"

"Seto. His name is Seto," I interupt.

"--and report back to us. You have two weeks to gather as much information as you can," Rob continues, running over my comment.

Preston leads me up the stairs. I get glares from Vikk and Lachlan, which I try to ignore with the angry vibe.

Rob and Preston lead me to the road down from the school. Their hideout is in the woods, so I suppose that's why they've been so hidden for so long.

Preston pushes me down into the dirt. I scramble up to my feet quickly, but the two are already gone.

I limp towards the gates, and with a quiet grunt, I push them open and close.

Holding my aching arm, which I'm pretty certain is at least a little bleeding, I hobble over to the main entrance, instantly getting a look with a mixture of concern, anger and surprise from Tassy.

"Oh my Notch! Brice, where have you been? Are you okay?" Tassy begins, firing off questions. She holds down the small button that calls Seto's and my dorm.

A minute later, Seto bursts through the door exiting to the dorms, a look of sadness and worry washing over his face, his beautiful brown eyes clouding with tears.

With saying nothing, he just sprints over and wraps me up in his arms in a hug. I of course hug back. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Tassy smiling and making a heart with her hands. I immediately blush. She's the only person I've ever told that I'm bi, other than my "sister" Natalie.

I pull away and Seto and I exchange smiles. Yep, I definietly like him. But how can I betray him for the Pack?

We say bye to Tassy and head back to our dorm as night took over the sky. I closed our door and Seto turned to face me.

"Okay, seriously, what in the Aether happened to you?! Brice, you were gone for a week!!" Seto confronts me.

"I went to close the window when I flew open, and I guess I fell out and passed out. I don't know how, but I woke up in that forest down the road," I lie, not making eyecontact. Seto raises an eyebrow.

"If you were passed out, you would've woken up at most two days later. If you didn't, I'd honestly think you were in a coma."

I bite my lip slightly and he doesn't notice.

"Welp, I'll be in the library," he says, scooping up a few books in his arms.

As the door closes with a click, a rock hits the window. I push it open, and are met by two faces across from mine, sitting on a branch.

Vikk and Lachlan tumble into the dorm. Lachlan holds me up against the wall and Vikk puts a chair to the door.

"I didn't give you guys away! What do you want?" I hissed.

"We told you, we want information!" Lachlan snarled back, his Australian voice filled with anger.

"Ugh! The deadline's in two weeks! Chill out, haters!" I pushed Lachlan's arm off my chest.

Then Vikk's words makes me almost pass out.

"Don't get enough information, or we'll kill everyone you've ever cared for. Especially your "siblings"."


Muahaha! I regret nothing! #SorryNotSorry

Bai my legos!!

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