Chapter 25

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It was morning, and I still couldn't get my mind off that nightmare. All of us were in the library, because the guys never got a full tour and they wanted to see it.

There were two floors to the place, and a handful of desks in the center. I was there working on an English assignment and Jason and Hazel were talking not too far off.

"What's with the star on your sweater? Is it like a trademark of yours?" Hazel asks.

Jason looked down at his blue sweater rimmed with orange, a golden star in the centre of it. "Yeah, I guess. I've always had a thing for space. I'd even call some of my friends 'Stars'."

Hazel's brown eyes widen. "That's cool, actually. My friends were always boring. Have you ever thought of becoming an astronaut?"

He shrugged, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, but I'm only seventeen, right? Maybe when I'm older, but for now I'll stick with gravity."

I chuckled at that, but continued writing. Seto slipped into a chair beside me and looked over my shoulder. He pecks a small but sweet kiss on my cheek. "What're you doing?"

I shrugged. "English, we have to write an original story."

He raises an eyebrow. "What's yours about?"

I smiled. "My drawings. It's about a group of friends who find an abandoned art studio but it's really a portal into the paintings stored there."

Seto's eyes widen. "Whoa, really? That's an awesome idea, man!"

I shrug. "Earth without art is just.." I look over at him. "Eh."

* * *

We're back at the dorm, and I'm at my desk, working in my sketchbook. I was drawing a flower, ((A/N, see cover for reference.)) but not just any. It was purple flames in the shape of a flower, dancing in the wind of an empty field.

I look over my shoulder at Seto, who's on his bunk, bouncing a tiny fireball back and forth from his hands. He blows it out mid-air, it disappear in a small cloud of smoke.

He looks over at me with a smile and slides off his bed. "Hey, how's it going?"

I return the smile equally. "Going good."

We both jump as a blaring siren goes off, and everyone rushes out into the courtyard. The five guys, Tassy and Hazel join us by the path.

"What's going on?" Adam asks. We all shrug.

"I don't know," Tassy sighs. "I've never heard of this siren before. Something serious must've happened."

Mitch yelps, and we all look over at him, and he points. A white-ish yellow stone is growing from the door leading into the building, engulfing the soil and gravel.

Everyone is dumbfounded, and Jason breaks the silence. "Is that what I think it is... E-Endstone?!" Merome glance at each other at the word.

I slowly walk up to the stone, examining it carefully. It grows even quicker my direction and I jump out of the way.

A powerful purple glow emits from the door. We glance at each other, but Hazel approaches it first. She creeps up to the doorway and peers inside. She screams and runs behind all of us.

I slowly approach the doors, everyone following after. We go inside, and a bunch of Endermen, creepier in real life up close, are staring all of us dead in the eye.

Ty's eyes widen the most out of all of us, he's never been too fond of Ender creatures. As a distraction, an Endermite ((A/N, 1.8 update)) is thrown by the mobs at Tassy, making her dodge out of the way with a squeal.

The Endermen teleport out of the room in a puff of purple dust. I look over at Seto, and notice something different. His eyes glow purple, but not in an Ender-ish type of way. A purple like his cloak.

Without warning, his teleports out of the room. I get a feeling of something, and run down the hall.

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