Chapter 29

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"Stop please stop," I whimpered from the place on the floor where I had collapsed. My wrists and ankles were bound tightly. I was to weak to move from where I had fallen and I had no more tears to shed. I wanted to be safe, I wanted my father to be dead. I don't want to be afraid but I am. I am weak and I am alone and no one is going to find me. I am going to die. "Don't, don't touch me," I stammered out between sobs.
"What should we do with her?" One of from the men from the beach asked.
"We could sell her." One of the men who pretended to be a teacher suggested.
"She's to well known." Another man pointed out.
"We can just leave her here for now, I'm sure the rats will appreciate that." A fourth man with a greasy voice said wickedly. I shivered at the thought of rats crawling over me.
"The rats do need a good feed." The teacher said.
"So that's what we're going with for the moment?" The other man from the beach asked. The rest of the gang replied with varying forms of yes before they all kicked and spat on me as they left.

I shivered as the cellar door shut making the room blacker than the night. I could scurrying footstep of large rats as they escaped their hiding spots and explored the dark damp cellar that I was now trapped in. Goose bumps covered my damp naked body as the room temperature lowered and the droplets of saliva rolled down my curves, across and off my body. There was no point in screaming for help no one would come because no one would hear. This cellar would be in the remote district of a remote town or possibly even an abandoned town. I may be back in the country I love so dearly but I am back in a life of hell. A life of sorrow. A life of hate. A life of loneliness. But mostly a life of never ending pain and never ending fear. I am going to die this time. I can't take it any more. The stitches are going to break for the last time and everything is going to fall apart. It won't be worth the time nor effort to sew everything back together again it would make more sense to throw out the trash and start a new. Hikaru please forgive me, was the last thought I had as I fell into the dark depths of unconsciousness willing my heart to stop beating and my body to stop functioning.

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