Chapter 10

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After five minutes of trying to pry Tamaki's off me. Hikaru with the help of Kaoru managed to pry him off. I collapsed to to the ground gasping for air, before I realised I was vulnerable to Kyoya's, I mean mommy's wrath. I quickly got up and ran to the limo leaving Hikaru, Kaoru and Tamaki behind. The twins looked at Kyoya and realised it was probably a good idea to get in the limo and that was exactly what they did.

Eventually Kyoya dragged Tamaki into the limo and and we started driving to wherever we were headed. I was lucky that I scored a seat next to the window, so I was watching the scenery pass thinking about how different Japan was to all the place I have been. I ignored the conversation everyone was having as I really didn't care.

The driver stopped the limo outside of a giant dome. "So what exactly is this place?" I asked when we had all gotten out. "Didn't you listen to a word anyone said on the limo?" Hikaru and Kaoru asked in perfect sync. "Do I really look like the type of person who listen to all conversations? I didn't listen because I didn't think that the conversation concerned me so I decided to do something that is actually helpful to my eduction." I ranted. Kyoya ceased our conversation with a glare and answered my original question, "We are at my families new resort." "Okay so what are we waiting for?" I said with a sudden mood swing.

We went inside and before I could go very far Hikaru grabbed me while Kaoru grabbed Haruhi. They dragged us toward a room. "What did I say about dragging? Let me go I can walk. Where are you taking me?" I questioned. He just smirked and kept dragging me,"No and you'll see." Kaoru opened the door to the room and both of them pushed us into the room and locked the door. "We'll let you out once you have changed." They yelled from outside. Great I thought as I looked through the swimsuits present in the room. I chose a white with black poke a dot bikini and Haruhi chose a dark blue one piece. We changed and I knocked on the door and yelled "You can let us out now we've changed."

The twins opened the door and the whole host club looked at us; mostly at me as I was showing more skin. They looked like they were in shock besides Mori and Kyoya. "What?" I asked. "You look hot." Hikaru said blushing slightly. "You sure know how to charm a lady. I thought you were a host but I must be mistaken my name is Elliot and who are you?" I said sarcastically, he rolled his eyes as I walked out of the room. Tamaki ran over and gave Haruhi a pullover and said some thing about showing too much skin. I couldn't help but laugh a little did he really not notice how much skin I was showing. "What about Elliot Toño?" Hikaru said 'kindly' pointing out my situation. Tamaki blushes, I rolled my eyes and put my long blonde hair up into a messy bun. I found a water gun and took aim at Hikaru, fired and hit my target directly in the back. This action caused a full on water fight between me and the twins. This was the most fun I have had in my whole life. I eventually gave my water gun to Tamaki and run laughing over to Haruhi so the twins knew that I wasn't playing anymore and had showed that Tamaki was now playing for me.

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