Chapter 27

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"Kaoru, Elliot!" Hikaru shouted running towards us as soon as we were in sight. Kaoru and I were filthy covered in dirt, mud and leaves. My make up was smeared and Kaoru's hair was a mess. We all looked at each other and burst out laughing. I was happy I didn't want this moment to end, ever.
"Come on young masters and mistress, you need to eat. But master Kaoru and mistress you must clean yourselves up first." A butler informed us. It was only then I notice how formal Hikaru's clothes were.
"Who important is here?" I whisper to Hikaru as he showed me to my room.
"Your father." He answered tightly. I bit my bottom lip before slipping into the room. Hikaru followed and pointed out where everything was, he started to leave but before he could I said, "wait."
"What is it?" He asked
"Can I have my phone, I need to call someone." I asked.
He thought for a moment before answering, "you didn't have your phone with you when you came." I thought back to the last time I had my clutch. It was when I was on the balcony after I had just been yelled at by my father I hope one of the host club grabbed it for me. "You can use mine though." Hikaru offered I let out a sigh of relief.
"Thank you," I said gratefully. He left to get it and I began to get ready for the dreaded dinner. Mrs Hitachiin had given me a emerald green version of my black dress to wear with some hold heels and accessories. Hikaru passed me his phone after I had finished getting ready and I dialled Yuno's number in.

She answered on the third ring. "Yuno here," she said.
"Yuno why is my father at the Hitachiin residence?" I asked
"I can't answer that mistress last night your mr Yamada relieved me of all my duties saying I would no longer be needed." She said apologetically.
"I'm sorry Yuno, I'll try and get you your job back I promise." I said
"Don't do anything that will get you hurt." She told me before hanging up.
"Okay let's do this." I said to Hikaru while handing him his phone.

We met Kaoru at the stairs and made our way down to the ground floor. I trailed behind the twins dreading seeing the man that was my hell. "Are you alright?" They both asked in sync turning around to look at my terrified form. I was struggling to step forward by now as well as shaking in fear. I didn't want to see him every instinct told me to turn in the opposite direction and run as far away from him as I can.
"I'm fine" I mumbled and went to take a step forward when I saw him. I froze every muscle in my body tensed I stopped shaking. I could hear anything other than my rapid heart beat, I couldn't see anything other than him and I couldn't hear anything.

I stood like a deer in the headlights before I began to react. He knew what I was doing before I did as I started to turn to run he had walked the distance towards me and had firmly grasped my shoulder. "You are acting extremely rudely Elliot." My father stated coldly.
"I'm sorry sir," I answered in a whisper.
"What did you say?" He questioned harshly.
"I'm, sorry, sir." I said with a trembling lip. I couldn't cry I could show weakness, I could be afraid. I must not be afraid of him. I must do what he says and I won't get hurt. I know I will be punished I have disobeyed him. When we are alone he will beat me until I fall unconscious and even after I fall into those dark depths. I will awake bruised and broken. Or maybe he will torture me, cut my skin and watch me bleed, make me freeze, slowly drive me insane. He will make me more afraid. I we be left weak and venerable. I will be scarred. I will want to die. I will have to pick up the pieces and start over. I will have to move again. I will be alone.

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