Chapter 11

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Elliot's POV

I sat down next to Haruhi. "Why aren't you swimming?" I asked her. "Don't feel like it and I prefer the beach anyway." She answered. "Okay." After that we talked about classes and she mentioned that I was different than most rich people.

After a while honey came over. "Haru-chan, El-Chan would you like to go swimming with me?" He asked. "No thanks Honey." Haruhi said. I glanced at her. "I will Honey, let's go." I said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the wave pool.

We had been splashing each other, then suddenly, for some reason a huge wave was coming towards us. I grabbed Honey's arm and tried to get to the side of the pool, but unfortunately it was too late and we were swept down this river thing ((so descriptive and I it so well named I know)). I lost my grip on Honey and when I became conscious again I found that he was nowhere near me. 'Damn it' I thought. Where could I be I have to get back to the others. Grr why was my life so hard.

I got up ignoring my bodies protests and started to follow the river thing back the way I came, until I ran into alligators. I reacted how most people would, by screaming. Honey came out of nowhere and beat the creature up.

We started making our way through the forest my body complaining with every step I took. I knew for the next few days my body was going to be stiff and sore. We made our way in silence, until we saw Haruhi and Mori surrounded by police. Honey made fast work of them and gave them a cute lecture about not hurting his friend. Everyone came over and saw what happened and were asking if Honey, Mori and Haruhi were alright. I kept to the shadows and acted as if I didn't care. But in my heart I felt left out. I didn't blame them they hadn't even known me for a week.

We got back to the part of the resort were we had our stuff, we packed up and left, When I got home I just went to my room, had a shower and went to bed. I couldn't sleep because I kept asking myself if the host club really cared about me.

~Time Skip~

"It's time to get up miss you have school today." Yuno said cheerily. "I told you to just call me Elliot, Yuno." I said as I rolled out of bed. "Sorry Elliot." She said. "It's fine I'm going to get dressed now so can you get something for me to eat." I said. She nodded and left. I headed to the bathroom, showered and got dressed in the uniform. I hated it but it was compulsory to wear. It wasn't like it would kill me but it was itch and hot. I styled my hair in milkmaid braids and walked to the dining room. My breakfast was served as I sat down; I ate it and made my way to my limo putting on my unconfutable heels in the process.

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