Chapter 3

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Class dragged on for the rest of the day. Finally the bell rang signalling the end of school. I shoved my stuff in my bag and rushed to the door. Before I had taken two steps I felt two arms sliver around my waist. "Where are you going in such a rush?" Asked the twins, Hikaru and Koaru innocently. 'Why have they taken an interest in me' my brain screamed at me. "What do you want?" I questioned.

"Why don't you answer our question first and then we'll tell you." Hikaru smirked

"Home" I simply stated.

"So nothing important." I think, wait know Koaru said while he and Hikaru dragged me towards an unknown destination.

"Someone, anyone help me!" I screamed.

"Stop dragging her." Haruhi said.

"We just wanted her to come to the host club," they said in sync while dropping me.

"If you wanted me to come you should have just asked." I replied hesitantly from the ground while sulking about being dropped. Haruhi helped me up. Something in the back of my mind said something was off about him.

We arrived at music room 3 after about three minutes of walking. The doors opened and I stood there with my mouth a gape as rose petals fluttered to the ground. There were four boys setting up as I walked in, well more like pulled in by the twins. "Who are you princess?" Asked a blonde, violet eyed boy.

A smug boy with glasses said "Her name is Elliot D'alessio daughter of-"

"What do my parents have anything to do with you?" I questioned while narrowing my eyes at the boy with glasses.

"Princess ignore him. But my I ask why you are here? We aren't open for business yet." Said blonde. I replied with a shrug, "Hikaru and Koaru dragged me here, literally."

~Time Skip~

I was seated on a couch next to Haruhi, listening to the blonde who I learned was Tamaki lecture the 'shady' twins about how they should be more respectful ladies.

"You better not have hurt the princess or my daughter!" Tamaki yelled at them. Everything finally clicked. "I knew something was off about Haruhi! She's a girl!" I spoke, voicing my thoughts a little too loudly while hitting my fist in my palm. Looks of horror pasted over all the host faces, including the emotionless bastard glassed boy AKA Kyoya. The twins and Tamaki disappeared for a moment before returning with baseball bats.

"If you do anything to harm me I'll sue!" I screamed in defence while hiding behind Haruhi.

"We will have to come up with another solution." Kyoya announced "If she sues we will have to shut down the club."

"So what are we going to do?" Questioned the twins.

"How about she joins the host club." Kyoya smirked.

A/N so I was listening to heaps of different anime opening while writing it so sorry if it doesn't flow as I had heaps of different emotions inside me (I did cry at one of the openings). Clementine

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