Chapter 28

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Here's the next chapter people, I hope you enjoy it.

He is smirking at my fear. He can see it. He knows I am weak. He knows I about to give up. He knows I am tried of picking up the piece he left played with on the floor. He know I won't be able to continue much longer. He knows I can't take anymore. He know what I am planning to do and he is happy. That's what he has wanted me to do. He has always wanted that. Maybe I should for fill his wish maybe I should just die. These thoughts just stop and I collapse to the ground in fear before I black out.

I wake up and find that I am strapped into a seat. I look around trying to figure out where I am. I am on my fathers private plane. The fear takes over when he enters the cabin. "I'm sorry sir, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I sobbed out as he walked towards me. His ring has blood on it he punched someone and it wasn't me. Hikaru or Kaoru it must have been one of them. He didn't say anything he just punched me across my face. I continued to mumble out apologies tears leaking out of my eyes and down my face I gave up on being strong a long time ago it does nothing it just means I am conscious for more of the pain. He continued to use me as a punching bag, punching me in my face and stomach. He brought out a pocket knife next and cut away at the dress I was wearing. The cold blade brushed lightly across the skin of stomach up between my breasts to my throat. "I should just kill you." He spat, "but that's not worth my time." I cried harder as he bashed me around some more before taking a seat. An announcement soon came over stating that we were about to land in Italy.

((From this point on everything is said in Italian unless specified))

When we landed the Italian mafia led by my father entered the plane and looked down at me. I looked up at them. I had seen them everywhere as teachers at school around the cities and towns and the two men from the beach. They were all smirking. "Do what you want with her boys just keep her out of my hair and if she's too much trouble dispose of her." My father ordered. The men pulled my basically naked body from the chair roughly. "Knock her out." The leader of the group said. And that was the last thing I saw and heard before waking up to the men of the group beating me up in an unused wine cellar.

I only needed one person for the strength and will to live and that person was Hikaru.

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