I Am For You

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It took her three hours to set up in the new...lair? She didn't know what to call it because it wasn't a exactly a basement, was it? It certainly wasn't a cave. She bit her lip her thoughts going straight to Roy.

"You okay?" asked Digg. That question had gotten really old.

She sighed. "Yeah, I'm just worried about Roy. What if Slade has him?"

"We have no proof that he does," he answered from the table where he sat cleaning his gun.

"He just disappeared Digg, how much proof do we need? And the day after Thea was taken? He loves her so why would he leave her?"

"It's not the first time I've heard of someone leaving the person they love...if they thought it would protect them."

Her hands froze on her keyboard and she sucked in a breath. "I get it I do, the whole I want to be a hero thing but I'm really sick of people always thinking they know what's best for you. Do you know why most relationships fail?"

Digg's forehead wrinkled in her quick change of topic. Truth was if she got on the whole 'I love you so much so I'm going to leave and not talk to you about because I know what's best for you and you don't get a say in the matter' topic then she'd get really worked up and would go on a hour long rant and she had enough stress already and that was against Doctors orders and 'Oh my gosh, Felicity breathe.' She stopped her internal rant.

"They fail because of lack of communication. A good conversation where both parties make a choice to not walk away no matter what can solve ninety-five percent of problems."

She knew all that from first hand experience.

"So you're saying they should have talked it out?" Digg asked while meandering over to her. "Felicity I don't know if you know this but Roy kind of wigged out that night. I'm not sure he would have been able to talk to Thea without losing it."

"What? Why didn't-"

"It wasn't important at the time, you were trying to find Thea and you were dealing with Isabel. You didn't need one more thing on your plate."

"I had a right to know Digg!" She yelled. "I am so sick of people deciding what I need to know or what I can handle! I am a part of this team! You see this is exactly what I'm talking about. Communication!"


"No, All I'm asking is that you to freaking stop hiding things from me."

"Okay, Felicity, Okay." She closed her eyes and let out a breath.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"No, you're right. You deserve to know."

"Go on," she urged him.

"That night Roy lost it, he got it together long enough but after, after Thea was back safe he just left, without a word. I thought he needed space, so I let him go. I should've made sure he was okay."

"You couldn't have known Digg."

He sighed. "I know but it doesn't stop me from feeling that way."

"So what are you saying? That Roy just cut his losses and decided to move on?"

"Not exactly. I've been through a war Felicity. I know what it does to you, anger festers inside of you and sometimes it all you can do to control it. Roy already had a anger issue before he was dosed with the Miracuru. He's more unstable now. So what I'm saying is that he left, to protect her and his team from himself."

She nodded. "Heroes," she whispered.

"Heroes," he repeated.

"So I shouldn't worry about him?"

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