It's Not Over...Until It's Over

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"According to the SCPD, the guy that gave Helena a ride into town is a 22 year old frat boy from SCU. Which totally explains the whole 'I didn't know I was aiding and abetting a known felon thing." She spins in her chair. "Anyone with boobs can get a frat boy to do anything. Which I still don't understand...why? They're just boobs. And what I'm about to do with mine is going to be painful.-" A groan from Roy cut her off and she flushed. "Why didn't you stop me?" She hissed to Oliver.

"Because I was a frat boy and I was enjoying the babble too much." She shook her head and turned in her chair.

"I'm sorry you guys, I'll try to keep any further talk about-" She waved her hands to her body. "This stuff to myself."

Oliver wrap his arms around her shoulders."Not me too right?"

"Do you seriously want to know what's going to happen to my body soon?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"Because it's gross and you still have to..." She trailed off and lowered her voice. "Have sex with me after." His eyebrows rose.

"I don't think that's going to me a problem," he said as he nibbled on her ear.

"C'mon you guys!" Groaned Roy from behind them.

"That's not what you'd be saying if you watched the video Digg and I did."

"Is that what you were doing that day?"

"Not intentionally, but yes. I'm still scarred. I literally felt like I needed to scrub my eyes with soap and I'm a woman!" She shook her head again. "Poor Digg."

"Felicity, I want to know everything there is to know so-"

"You can be prepared... I know. Like a mission."

"No not like a mission, I just want to know everything so-"

"You won't faint in the delivery room."

"Stop interrupting and I'm not going to faint," he said firmly.

Diggle walked by and patted him on the shoulder. "You say that now man."

"I've seen far worse than a baby be born."

"Mmmmhmm...," he mumbled before wandering back over to Roy. She could swear that she could hear them making bets. Oliver turned back to her.

"I am not going to pass out," he assured her. "I'm going to stay right beside you the whole time."

"Above the belt... and if you're late to your sons birth I will personally contract Sara to kill you." She turned to look at Sara. "Right?"

"I'd do it for free," Sara responded with a smirk.

"It's good to have assassins for friends," she sighed. Oliver just starred at her.

"Sometimes you scare me." He said before he leaned down to pull her mouth into a deep kiss. "I love it." He gave her a heated look and she patted his arm and whispered 'later' and returned her gaze to the computers.

"I'm going to keep tabs on the police, if they get any leads on Helena, I'll know."

"I'll do some canvasing," said Digg before striding from the room.

Sara came up to the desk and pointed in Roy's direction where he sat in a chair staring off into space. Oliver got the message and went over to talk to him.

Not long after she got a news alert. "Oh no."

"What?" Oliver asked instantly on alert.

"Laurel, she's Bertinelli's Lawyer, this is not good."

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