I Can't Picture Me Without You

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"Ms.Smoak!" Someone called her name, she turned in her chair and saw it was Detective Lance.

"You're free to go," said the officer who had taken her statement.

"Are you alright?" asked Lance as he made his way over to her. She nodded, her throat too thick to speak. He looked at the broken window and at the broken body all those stories below. "Well so much for trying another way."

"He had no other choice Detective," she finally found her voice. "It was the Count or me this time. It wasn't easy for him."

He looked around the office littered with glass. "Guess Queen couldn't even show up."

"Mr. Queen is busy with his mothers trial. He has a lot on his mind."

"I'll just bet he does," Lance says under his breath.

"You should give him more credit Detective. He's not the man you think he is."

"Two daughters with broken hearts indicate otherwise."

"He's changed," she said simply. He just sighed heavily and started to walk away. "Detective?" He turned back to her. "Can you...uh can you take me to the hospital?"

"Why? I thought you were okay?" He asked voice tight with concern.

"I am..I-"

"Did he hurt you?" he asked and it took her a moment to understand his meaning.

"No! No, no. He didn't. I just need proof that I'm really okay, for my own peace of mind." Her hand had moved to her stomach without her knowledge.

Lance looked at her and a moment later his eyes widened as he realized the meaning behind her words. "Does he know?"

She swallowed and shook her head. "No, if he did he wouldn't have left."

He shakes his head. "This is dangerous territory you're in Ms. Smoak."

"You don't think I know that Detective? I have a job to do and nothing and no one will keep me from doing it. Not you. Not even him." She let out a breath. "I'm sorry, I've been kinda cranky lately."

"You forget I have two daughters, I know all about cranky, and with what you've been going through this past month? Well I think you have every right to be a little exasperated." He held his hand out to help her up. "Come on, let's get you through those vultures." Her eyebrows rose. "Reporters," he said in explanation.

He drove her to the hospital and on the way she explained to him about the flu vaccination truck. He assured he would get the sample himself and run it to the lab. He dropped her off at the front entrance and she got out and he rolled down the passenger window. "You want me to come in with you?"

She smiled. "No, but thank you Detective."

"You know as much as we see each other you should just call me Quinton. I think helping me disable a earthquake machine had earned you the right."

She nodded and started to move towards the sliding doors before she turned back. "Thank you....Quinton."

After she got inside they took her name and she waited in the waiting room until her name was called. A Ultasound Tech named Cassidy led her to a room and had her lay on a table. She pulled up her shirt and the Tech put a warm gel onto her stomach and started moving the wand around while looking at her computer screen. She couldn't see it and it made her quake with anxiety. Was her baby okay?

Logically she knew the baby was protected more inside her womb in early pregnancy than in later stages but she still needed to know. She didn't know when she had gotten so paranoid. When she had first found out she was pregnant she was in shock, she still kind of was and she didn't really know how to feel but as the week passed she had grown more used to the idea of becoming a Mother, excited even. It wasn't the most ideal situation she knew but it was happening and she already knew she would never take it back for the world. Even if she could never have Oliver, she had a piece of him. She knew if he ever found out he would be furious she had kept such a thing from him. But tonight she had saw something in his eyes. Resignation. He had chosen his life as the Arrow over his life as Oliver Queen. He had accepted that he could never live a normal life, could never protect the ones he careed about because they would be in danger by both of the lives he led. That look had broken her a little inside and made a rushing sound fill her ears. That's when she made the decision. So he didn't have to make it for her. He would never know that he was the Father. She had never wanted to lie to him but for his sake and the safety of their baby she would. She had been waffling between letting the chips fall where they may and hiding it for the rest of her life. Neither options were very attractive to her. What would she tell her child when they asked who their father was? Who would she tell Oliver the father was? Oh boy had she made a mess.

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