It Happens In A Blink

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"Thank God for peplum being back in style," Felicity thought as she strolled into the office jacket still pressed to her front for further protection.

She was achy today and all she wanted was a hot bath and a Netflix marathon on the couch. She had gotten her energy back and she felt like she could run a marathon but she knew the second she got on a treadmill there would be no going into work because she wouldn't even be able to walk. She sat down at her desk and got to work. A hour later, a whole wheat bagel, a cup of strawberries, a low fat yogurt and a 8 ounce cup of orange juice appeared in front of her on her desk. She looked up from her papers to find Oliver standing there.

"At 14 weeks, it very important to eat healthy balanced meals, fruit is good for digestion and so is yogurt."

"What no coffee?" She scrunched her nose at him.

"Caffeine isn't good for the ba-"

"Shhh," she cut him off and looked around the room.

He leaned in and whispered. "It's not good for the baby."

"Who are you and what have you done with Oliver Queen?" I mean seriously he was acting a father. She stiffened.

"Just trying to be a better friend," he said with a shrug and started to walk to his office.

"There a thing called decaf you know!" She called through the open door. He sent her a smirk through the glass as he sat down at his desk. "Just for future reference."

A carrier came through the glass door. "Hi, how can I help you?" She asked with cheerfulness. Oliver being in a good mood automatically made her spirits go up.

The delivery boy looked up. "Are you Felicity Smoak? He asked as he approached the desk yellow envelope in hand.

"Yes." He held a clipboard out to her.

"Sign here please." She signed and he handed over the envelope.

"Thank you, have a great day."

"You too," he replied as he began to leave the room.

She looked at the envelope for a second. It only had her name on it. She felt the package, it felts stiff, like thick paper. Maybe some files from another department? She thought as she opened the flap and pulled out the contents. What she saw made the blood drain from her face. There were pictures. Pictures of her and Oliver on that night. And not just any pictures. There were several of him kissing her, one of him tugging her into a cab and another one of them arriving at the mansion, Oliver kissing her in the driveway.

She jumped from her chair pressing the pictures to her chest and rushed to the elevators praying the carrier was still there. She saw him fixing to get onto the elevator. "Hey!" She called while running to him as fast as she could in heels. He turned. "Where did you get these?" She shook them in his face.

"I'm just the delivery boy ma'am."

"Who had you deliver these?" She questioned him, her face accusatory.

"I don't know. It was placed in the drop box along with directions and cash. I just do my job lady," the boy answered.

She stared him down looking for any signs he was deceiving her. "Can I go now? I have other delivery's to make."

"Fine go," She made her way to her desk pictures pressed to her chest.

"Everything okay?" Oliver asked. "I saw you run out of the room. Are you sick again?"

"Yeah," she choked out, he started towards her. "I mean no, no I'm not sick. I think I'm past that even though anytime I smell a banana I want to barf but that could just be me," she babbled while walking backwards over to her desk.

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