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Jaejoong woke up in the hologram room. He was still a little bit dizzy, but as soon as he remembered what happened the night before, he immediately searched Lena.

The room was still the same. He was still lying on the blanket they had slept on near the shores of the beach. He started to look around, but Lena was nowhere in sight.

"Lena . . . ." he called out.

Jaejoong hurriedly stood up.

"Where could she be?" he asked himself.

He then started to walk along the shores of the beach while the waves gently splashed. He was very much confused. He didn't know why Lena had left him again. He thought he had made it clear to her that he loved her no matter who she was and what condition she was in.

Jaejoong sighed heavily. It seems Lena still doesn't want him to get emotionally involved with her. But it was already too late . . . he was already in love with her. He knew it the moment he made love to her.

He had been walking with so many different thoughts running through his mind that he didn't notice the other DBSK boys and their room mates suddenly enter the hologram room.

"Hyung . . . . what are you doing here?" Max asked as he and the others approached Jaejoong.

Jaejoong stared at his friends. Xiah, Micky, Max and U-Know had already guessed why Jaejoong was at the hologram room. But they couldn't say anything since the other boys were also present.

"What are you doing here so early in the morning?" Hyesung asked.

"I . . . I . . ." Jaejoong didn't know what to answer.

"Sometimes they are nights that he can't sleep . . . . so he usually just takes a stroll . . . ." Xiah tried to cover up for his friend.

"Oh . . . There was a time I also had difficulty sleeping . . . ." Eric uttered.

The other boys accepted Jaejoong's reasoning without any further question.

Minwoo looked around the hologram room.

"Were you alone? Or were you with someone?" he asked teasingly.

"What do you mean?" Jaejoong asked.

Minwoo smiled. "Don't tell me you spent the whole night here . . . . all alone," he teased again.

Junjin suddenly laughed. "Of course . . . . he was alone . . . who could have possibly joined him here?"

The other DBSK boys looked at each other. Somehow they were feeling very nervous. They knew that the other boiys would surely react once they learned about Lena and Jaejoong's relationship.

"What time is it?" she suddenly asked.

"Why?' Joe asked.

"Well . . . . Why isn't Lena here yet?" Rain asked.

"Maybe . . . . she's still asleep . . . . " Jeong Hoon said.

"Well . . . . should we go to her room then?" Andy asked.

"Yes . . . . maybe we should give her a wake up call," Aiba said with a smile.

"How about we just let her sleep? She maybe tired . . . . and she needs rest . . . . We can just have breakfast without her . . . ." Ken said.

"Yeah . . . it would be better if we leave her alone. Let's just wait until she wakes up on her own," Vanness added.

"Don't worry . . . .I'm awake already," a voice suddenly said.

All the boys suddenly turned to look at the direction where the voice came from.

They saw Lena together with Prince Mitos.

"Are you guys hungry yet?" she asked with a sweet smile.

"We can wait . . . . " Lee Wan answered.

Lena laughed. "Saia, change the room into a kitchen and dining room."

"Yes. . . .princess," Saia immediately replied.

Within seconds . . . the whole setting of the place changed. Lena immediately went to the kitchen part of the room and started to cook, while Prince Mitos and all the boys quietly sat down in the dining room. They just watched while Lena prepared their breakfast.

Jaejoong looked at Lena. He was hoping to see any kind of change in her. He was still confused on whether she had accepted or not what he had said to her the night before. He sighed heavily. Somehow Lena was still the same as before. She wouldn't even glance at him.

He sighed again. He wanted to know . . . . why she had left him all alone after what had happened to them the night before. . . . He had made love to her again . . . . for the second time. And it was making him crazy just thinking about what their real relationship was. He was very sure now . . . . he loved her . . . and he had already decided to let everyone know about it.

He suddenly stood up and went straight to where Lena was. While Prince Mitos and the four DBSK boys smiled.

"Would you like me to help you?" Jaejoong asked.

Lena immediately stared at him.

"No . . . thanks. I can do this on my own," she answered.

Jaejoong smiled. He wasn't going to take no for an answer. "I'll help . . . ." he said firmly as he started to prepare the other foods already placed on the kitchen counter.

Lena again stared at Jaejoong. Her heart was beating very fast. She had left him after she woke up. She was afraid that the other boys would suddenly discover what was going on between them. She wanted to give Jaejoong another chance to change his mind.

But looking at him at that exact moment . . . . Lena pitied him. Her heart was somehow aching at the sad expression on his face. . . . and the sadness in his eyes. She wanted to comfort him . . . . she wanted to hold him.

"What are you doing . . . . Jaejoong?" she asked softly.

Jaejoong looked at Lena. "Cooking . . . ." he answered with a smile. He knew exactly what Lena was trying to ask, but he just didn't know what to answer.

"I mean . . . . what are you really doing? What are you trying to prove? Are you really sure you want to do this?" she asked again. She was looking at him very seriously. She was trying to make him reconsider his decision.

"Why do you have to ask that?" he asked. He had already stopped what he was doing and was now just staring at her.

Lena's heart was aching as she saw the hurt look in his eyes.

"Are you really sure about what you want? I just want to remind you . . . . once we start this . . . there is no turning back . . . Are you really sure you want to be with me? . . . . It will be very tiring and painful, Jaejoong," she said sadly.

Jaejoong smiled. "I've told you . . . I want to be with you until the very end . . . So I'm very sure that this is what I want . . . ."

Lena smiled back at Jaejoong. Her heart was beating very fast. She was filled with so much happiness that she had never imagined. How she wished that it would never end.

Jaejoong suddenly drew Lena closer to him and he gently kissed her on the forehead.

All the boys in the room were shocked, except for Prince Mitos, Xiah, Micky, Max and U-Know.

"What are you two doing?" Matsumoto asked loudly as if very surprised.

Jaejoong and Lena stared at the other boys in the room. They knew there were a lot of things they needed to explain to their friends.

Jaejoong took Lena's hand and held it tightly.

"We'll explain . . . . together . . . " he uttered softly.

Lena glanced at him with love in her eyes.

"Yes . . . . we'll do this . . . . together . . . ." she said with a smile as she tightly held on Jaejoong's warm hand.

LOVE BEYOND THE STARS (JAEJOONG FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now