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Jaejoong quietly went to the hologram room. He wanted to be alone and he wanted to think. As he entered the room, he immediately noticed that Lena was also inside. The setting that the hologram used was the same setting the night that something happened between the two of them. Somehow he suddenly became confused on whether he was going in or not. His heart started to beat very fast. He didn't know what to do.

Lena felt that someone was watching her . . . that she suddenly looked back at the entrance to the room. She saw Jaejoong still standing and looking at her with mixed emotions on his face.

"What are you doing there?" she asked with a smile. "Don't you want to come and sit down beside me? Don't worry I won't bite . . . if that is what you are worried about," she said again as a joke.

Jaejoong slowly approached Lena and silently sat down beside her.

"What are you doing here alone?" Jaejoong asked Lena.

Lena looked at him with a sad look in her eyes. "I was just thinking . . . and I wanted some time alone," she replied.

"I'm sorry . . . if I am bothering you," he said with a low voice.

"No . . . it's all right. I was already bored anyway. I needed someone to talk to . . . . Good thing, you came along," she said with a fake smile.

Both of them just stared at the waves as it slowly splashed on the shore. The scene before them was truly captivating. But somehow both of them had more important things on their minds that they weren't even paying much attention to the beauty around them.

"Thank you," Jaejoong softly uttered.

Lena faced him with a confused look on her face. "Thank you for what?" she asked.

"Thank you for the concert that you organized . . . and for the girls you set up to be our dates," he answered shyly.

"Oh that! It's nothing. As I said before, it is my own way of thanking you guys. So no need to thank me," she replied back.

Jaejoong stared at Lena. He knew she was thinking of something.

"What are you thinking about?" Jaejoong asked Lena as they both stared out at the waves splashing on the shores of the beach.

Lena smiled. "Nothing . . . nothing in particular . . . . really."

"Like what?" he asked softly.

"Like what? Uhmm . . . . " Lena suddenly stopped talking for a moment. Then she smiled. "I was thinking how I would miss watching the sun set . . . . watching the waves . . . . watching the flowers bloom . . . . I know they are all illusions . . . . but I will never get the chance to experience them in real life . . . . Lion said that the war maybe over in a few months . . . . But I don't have that kind of time. I won't be around anymore when everything is set back into place."

Jaejoong's heart was somehow being crushed as he listened to Lena speaking.

"What do you mean set back into place?" he asked.

"After the war is over and all the enemies have been taken care of, Lion and Aros will use the crystals to return everything on our planet to its former state . . . . buildings, houses, mountains, things, plants, animals . . . . everything will be returned . . . as if nothing ever happened. The only thing that they can't return are the people who have died . . . . But everything will be the same as it was before," she answered.

"Really?" Jaejoong uttered. "That's great . . . I guess," he said again with a sad voice.

"Lion and Aros were really reluctant to do it. Since it will use up a lot of crystals . . . But I begged them and made them promise. I wanted to make everyone on our planet happy again . . . When this is all over, you and the other guys can finally return to your former lives . . . being celebrities and all. . . . How I wished I could see you and the other guys perform again when the war is finally over," she said sadly.

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