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After Bakro left, all of them started to chatter here and there. Some started to spread themselves on the beds. Some started to play with one another.

"Hey! How about we arranged ourselves now, so that we can have a permanent bed arrangement, right? " Joe suggested.

"Yeah, I already want to sleep... " Ken jokingly said.

"Anywhere is fine with me, just as long as it's beside hyung," Max said (pertaining to Hero).

All of them started to talk and after half an hour of discussion, all of them were already set on their permanent beds. All the guys belonging to a group decided to sleep next to each other. While the others were happy with whatever arrangement was given to them.

"Don't you think this room is a little bit too much for us? Why do you think they brought us here? We're not presidents or anything special.....what do you think he meant by saying "pre-selected"? " Matsumoto randomly asked.

"I am very curious myself ... it's like we're brought here for some reason,"Sho answered.

"I hope it's not like what I am thinking," Satoshi said with concern.

"What? What are you thinking?" Aiba asked.

"We're here so that they can conduct experiments on us," Satoshi with a big laugh.

"Hey! Enough with the nonsense. They are not like that. Someone might hear you and might get offended or something," Eric said with a serious expression.

"Yeah, I know. I was just kidding," Satoshi replied.

"Well, it is weird that we are here. Aside from the fact that we actors and singers all in all. We are also from different countries which makes it more weird. Why would they go to the trouble of having us teleported from different parts of the world into one place, " Dong Wan commented.

"There's no point in asking, let's just wait and see," Oguri said.

"At least, we're in a much more comfortable place than before, don't you all agree?" Jun Ki asked.

"Yup! This place sure is heaven," Vanness shouted.

Everyone laughed out loud with what Vanness said.

"Imagine we can eat anything we want here, anytime....there wasn't any rule regarding the amount of food we should eat right? Or how often we use the materializer? Or what we can and can not get, right?" Max continuously asked.

The other DBSK members suddenly burst into laughter with what Max said.

"We're all concerned with our safety and he's concerned about food," Andy commented.

"He's still young, what do you expect? Anyway, he's got a point. We're very lucky we can get what we want. Do you think we can get Saia to give us something to drink?" Jerry asked.

"Well, we won't know until we try, right?" Jun Jin said with a big grin.

"Saia can we have some soju and some glasses as well," Min Woo said.

"Please specify how many and what brand," Saia replied.

"Hoooh!!!!!" all them exclaimed with some of them clapping their hands.

"So that means alcoholic beverages are not forbidden unlike in the other stations, " Hyesung said.

They asked Saia for alcoholic beverages and they drank it happily. All of them haven't tasted any alcohol since the war started. In the other stations, only food and necessities were allowed to be given to them. After drinking a few shots of alcohol, someone suddenly asked.

"Do you think we can go now to the hologram room?" Micky asked.

"We're not that drunk, and besides Mr. Bakro said it's not off limits. Why don't we give it a try?" Hyesung replied.

They all went to the hologram room happily. Some were talking, some were laughing. All of them had a sip of alcohol so they were all feeling very jolly. As they arrived at the hologram room, they immediately went in. Much to their surprise, someone was already inside.

They all silently went in. The person facing the ocean was crying. Based on the cry, it sounded like a girl. They were all curious as to who it was. Jun Jin silently went closer and closer. Then the person suddenly faced them startled.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" the girl asked.

After a few minutes of looking at each other. The girl suddenly exclaimed.

"Hey wait a minute! I know you guys," then she said all their names one by one.

"Why are you all here?" again she asked.

"Mr. Bakro said that we were selected to live here," U-Know replied.

"Bakro? So this is all Lion and Aros' doing," she muttered.

"Who are you? Why are you here? You're a girl right?" Hero asked.

"Hahhaha! Of course, I am a girl. Do I look like a guy? Am I that ugly? " the girl jokingly replied.

"Girls are supposed to be in another station right? How come you're here? " Jun asked.

The girl suddenly started to look confused. She was wearing baggy pants and a louse shirt. She was more of a boyish type than a womanly type that the boys whould be interested in.  Her long hair was braided and tied into a knot. She had a fair complexion with clear rosy cheeks. Her total appearance was a total opposite of their ideal woman. They haven't seen a girl up close for more than a year. They all had different ideas of what their first interaction with a woman would be. They were all disappointed.

She didn't know what to say. She became speechless. But she regained her composure after a few minutes.

"I've got to get going. Sorry if I bothered you. You're going to stay here right?"

"Hey wait! Why are you suddenly in a hurry?" Dong Wook asked.

"Sorry but maybe we can chat again some other time."

"Hey wait!" Vic shouted.

But she had already gone out of the door before they could stop her. They we're all very interested to know who she was.

"Who do you think she is? And why is she here?" Ken asked the others.

"She sure looks very peculiar and she isn't an actor or a singer, I think," Micky replied.

"How do you know?" Hyun Bin asked.

"Well she is very ordinary looking, in fact she is sort of, well um... not pretty. No offense ok,"

After a few minutes of talking, they immediately all got tangled up in their own affairs, and they easily forgot about the girl that they met. After a few days, they were already settled in their new station. They were already very comfortable and at ease with each other.

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