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They ordered Saia to play their music. What they heard was a song very familiar to some of them. It was the DBSK song "Choosey Lover. "

All the five girls danced with the other five boys, not including Michael who was just watching their every move. Lena just watched also together with Michael in one side of the room.

The DBSK boys and the others just watched while sitting in one of the corner of the room. The five girls and boys danced very well. They were really professional dancers already by just looking at the way they move.

After they finished dancing, the girls ordered Saia to repeat the song. Then they dragged Lena into the dance floor. Nikka snatched the rubber band that was holding Lena's hair up. Lena's hair came loose. She had a very long, smooth, black hair. The kind that only artists or movie stars have.

Your dance appears like a dance from a fallen angel

I thank your parents for this important intangible cultural asset

I wonder how you knew all the flexible moves

In some way or other, I want to add to this competition

Nothing comes close but your choosey lover

There's nourishment that has all kinds of stimuli

Nothing comes close but your choosey lover

Hey, gotta make you mine

The girls laughed when Lena's hair became loose. Then the music started. At first, Lena was reluctant to dance with them. But as the music went on, she suddenly gave in to the music. She was also a very good dancer. She was even better than all the girls combined. The boys just watched as the girls danced.

Please, come and dance with me

Tease, with your smile

So that I abandon everything

Please, those eyes,

Bright, I want to gaze at them

Choose only me, love, without being perplexed

If I am already your 'papa,'

The ban on us going out is in danger from your beauty

The sparkling golden chain on your soft skin,

It's to the point where I'm jealous of jewelry, and I have withdrawal symptoms

Nothing comes close but your choosey lover

There's nourishment that has all kinds of stimuli

Nothing comes close but your choosey lover

Hey, gotta make you mine

The girls danced wildly. They were persuading Lena to be the same as them. But somehow Lena was reluctant. But as time move one, she finally gave in and became wild herself.

Please, don't make me beg,

Tease, with your glance,

Like this, wishing for everything

Please, until the daybreak

Tight, hold me close

I'm in a dream-like state from your lips, before this point

Please, let me take you there

Tease, through your smile

You give me everything

LOVE BEYOND THE STARS (JAEJOONG FANFIC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant