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The time is YEAR 2009, the world is in chaos, a race of cruel aliens named Trusians have invaded the Earth and they have already destroyed half of the planet. Their sole purpose is to invade and conquer the planet. The Trusians are ugly looking creatures with the body similar to a human but with a head and skin similar to a reptile and insect. Luckily another race of aliens from the twin planets Scion and Xion have come to the planet to help. They are the Scions and the Xions. They are very similar to humans except for the fact that they all have the same features. They are all more than 6 feet tall, with either red or white hair, with a very white skin tone, and with muscular bodies. Even the colors of their eyes are either blue or green. Not like humans that have different characteristics due to different nationalities. Only male Scions and Xions were allowed to go to earth, while all their females are left in their planets. Aside from the physical features, what sets them apart from humans is the fact that they have telekinetic and psychic powers. Their royalties also possess a special kind of energy that they use to either heal or even inflict any damage to anyone.

The Scions and Xions built different stations below the ground surface on different locations of the planet, where they place all the humans that they have already rescued. Here the rescued people are trying to live their lives as normal as possible. Each stations host different types of people, the people are divided into groups, based on age, gender, professions and expertise. As the world above ground is still in confusion and a war is still going on between the two alien races, the human civilization have already adapted to the life underground. Here they may be confined by the walls but they all live in equality and harmony, all their necessities are given, there are no rich or poor. All are equally given what they need. Each station are all link by one program, a most advanced form of computer like program that the Xions have developed after they arrived in the planet. The program is called Saia, she has her own consciousness and can manipulate and monitor all the stations in the whole planet Earth.

Our story begins a year after the Trusians first arrived in the planet. The Korean boy band DBSK has been transferred to a new station. All of them are still confused on the reason why they have to move to a new station. They were already contented with the station they were in. There they lived with their friends from SUJU, another Korean boy band and some other korean singers. They were all reluctant to leave their friends behind.

"Why do you think we have to move to a new station?" Xiah asked the other DBSK members while waiting in the new station.

"Maybe this is a new station and they are forming another set of people to occupy here," Max answered.

"Well, we're already happy with the last station we were in why change to a new one?" U-Know suddenly said.

"Let's just wait and see who we are going to meet here. Who do you think will be joining us here?" Hero replied.

"That's quite predictable...Korean singers!!! That's who we are going to meet. The last station all had korean singers so there won't be any difference here, I guess. So there's no point in asking," Micky said.

"Hey guys! Haven't you noticed this station is quite different?" Max asked.

"What's different? Looks the same to me. All the stations looks the same from the flooring to the ceiling...hahaha. It's all the same, same material, same color, well we don't even know what materials they use here. It sure isn't steel or aluminum or any earth metals we know," Micky said with a laugh.

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