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The DBSK boys and the others just watched as the Lena's friends argued with each other.

Jaejoong noticed that Lena was becoming paler as time passed by. Her lips were already beginning to become white. Then he thought maybe it is because of the tension brought about by the arguing of her friends.

Every one of her friends were very angry with Josh and she didn't want any arguments to happen between her friends. She feeling very dizzy already but she kept fighting what she was feeling. She wanted to solve the dispute between her friends first before she can think about her self. She moved forward to Michael and the others to have a talk with them. She wanted to patch things up between her friends. But as she took a step forward, her sight became blurred. Then she became so dizzy that she couldn't help herself anymore. Her whole body suddenly collapsed on the floor between Josh and Michael's group.

All of them were unable to move, as if in total disbelief of what had just happened. Then instantly Jaejoong ran to Lena and held her in his arms.

"Lena...." he said with a shaky voice.

"I'm alright. I am just a bit dizzy," she said with a weak voice.

All the people around had somehow snapped out of their trance and were already around Lena and Jaejoong. Michael suddenly asked Jaejoong to let her take Lena. As he complied, Michael immediately carried her and was about to carry her out the room, when Prince suddenly appeared infront of him. After a few minutes, Prince Lion also teleported infront of DBSK boys and the others. The two princes also had the power to teleport themselves whenever the need arises.

"What happened?" Aros asked with concern.

"She felt dizzy," Michael answered.

"Are you all right? Are you hurting anywhere? Just lay here down. Saia, materialize a bed,"Lion said.

Immediately, a bed materialized before their eyes and Michael laid down Lena on the bed.

"Why did you have to teleport yourselves here? You just wasted your energy. I am just a little bit dizzy. Nothing serious. I would have called you if I were really hurt seriously," Lena said.

"You're gonna call us? Like the last time that you were supposed to call us but didn't, even if your whole arm was already aching and blood was streaming from your wound?" Lion asked sarcastically.

"Lion....."Aros warned.

"Do you have any bruises anywhere?"Lion suddenly asked.

"I don't know," Lena replied.

"Saia, change her clothing. I want to see her full body now," Lion commanded.

The DBSK boys were stunned with what they heard. Everything they were witnessing was starting to make them more and more confused. But what they really couldn't believe was the fact that Lena was dying.

Saia immediately changed Lena's clothes. Her whole body was suddenly exposed to everybody's eyes. She was wearing her under garments. The boys couldn't help but gaze. Her skin was so smooth and white, and totally flawless. Her figure was suddenly exposed as well. She had the perfect figure added with the perfect skin. She had the perfect body that any girl will be envious of and any man would trade anything to be able to have a hold on.

The boys were speechless. Even if they tried to hide the sensation caused by seeing by Lena's body. They were all men after all. They haven't been with a woman for more than a year. And even if they were ashamed of what they thinking and feeling, they just couldn't help it.

LOVE BEYOND THE STARS (JAEJOONG FANFIC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ