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The next day, as what Lion had said. Bakro woke them up early to show them around the whole station. They were also given instructions how to go to Lena's room. And as they expected, Lena's room was very near to the two princes rooms. In fact, they were all in the same part of the station.

As soon as they reached Lena's room, Bakro bade goodbye to them and left. The boys were left outside Lena's room contemplating whether if they should enter or not.

Finally, after several minutes of discussing, they all decided to enter anyway.

The boys entered Lena's room. Her room wasn't what they expected it to be. The room was much smaller than their room. It had three large and long sofa sets in one corner of the room beside the door. Then just a few inches away from the sofa sets was her bed in the other corner. It was just an ordinary double bed with silk beddings same to what they use. Then facing the bed and sofa sets was a large screen same also to what was in their room. Aside from these things there wasn't anything else in her room.

Her room was quite plain to be exact. Somehow they couldn't understand why she had chosen such a room. They all pictured her room to be grand, but never an ordinary looking room.

Lena was still asleep, but somehow was awaken by the sound of the door opening as they entered. The door opened and made a low and sliding sound.

Lena was still lying in her bed when she heard the sound. She opened her eyes and saw her new friends had come into her room.

"Good morning!" she greeted. "Is it morning already? Are you guys hungry already? What time is it? How did you guys come here?"she continuously asked.

"Bakro showed us around the whole station and taught us how to come here," Jun Jin answered.

"I see, I'm sorry. I couldn't sleep very well last night so I am kinda late in waking up. Would you guys like your breakfast now?" she asked.

"We already had breakfast," Nino replied.

"Oh! I guess I'll be having breakfast alone again."

"It's late already, you should have had your breakfast by now," Jaejoong commented.

"I'll be up in a minute."

She immediately climbed out of bed. She was wearing a white satin night dress that showed her full figure. The boys tried to ignore the scene that they were seeing. Lena then sat on one corner of the bed facing the boys. Somehow she was still very sleepy. She was staring blankly at the boys as if in deep thoughts.

"Lena . . . . " Andy said.

Lena somehow snapped out of her sleepiness and smiled at them.

"Sorry, I am still very sleepy."

"Maybe we should leave. Then you can go back to bed," Max said.

" No, I can't go back to sleep. I have to wake up already. If Michael and the others catch me still in my bed, they'll surely put me in the cold shower, " she unconsciously replied.

"Who's Michael and the others?" Joe asked.

"They are my other friends living in another station. They usually come here to have dance practice or just to hang out. We usually spend the whole day together. Would you guys like to meet them? You can join us in the hologram room," she said.

"How many are they?" Jerry asked.

"Six boys and five girls."

"Girls?" some of the boys asked in disbelief.

Lena saw their reaction and somehow it made her laugh.

"Yeah! Girls!" she replied back with a meaningful smile. "They are all dancers. They teach me different kinds of dances from waltz to hiphop. They are all very good, especially Michael."

Lena stood up and went straight to the bathroom.

"I'll be taking a shower first. Make yourselves at home ok. You can order Saia anything that you want."

Lena went in to take a shower, leaving the boys talking with one another.

"So her room also has its own materializer," Vanness commented.

"What do you expect?" Sho asked.

"So what do you think about her other friends?" Hyn Bin asked.

"At least, she has some girl friends," Vic noted.

"What do you think her friends look like? Do you guys think that they're pretty enough to even take a look at?" Vanness asked.

The other boys laughed. They were all thinking the same thing. They all haven't been in contact with any woman for more than a year. Eventhough they know the reason for this and full understand it. They still can't help but feel excited that they are actually going to meet five girls. Girls, that they pray and hope would actually be worth enough to even take a look at.

"Do you guys think they are the same age as Lena?" Micky asked the others.

"I hope not," Jerry replied.

"I think they must be pretty and sexy, and . . . . ." Aiba said on and on.

"Dream on, man!" Vanness shouted.

"Well, Lena said that they are dancers. Usually dancers are very pretty good looking themselves aside from the fact that they have sexy bodies," Rain commented.

"Yes, he's right," Satoshi said.

"All we can do is wait and see," Sho said.

"How about we have a bet?" Min Woo asked.

"What kind of bet?" the others asked.

"Let's make a bet on whether Lena's girl friends are pretty or not," Min Woo answered.

"What do we get from it " Max asked.

"It's just for fun," Min Woo replied.

"Okay, I'm in. I vote for pretty," Jeong hoon said with a smile.

"Me too," Ji Hoon shouted.

Their discussion ended with Vanness, Shun, Dong Wan, Micky, U-Know, Jaejoong, Andy and Jun being the only ones betting that Lena's friends were ugly. And they also decided to make the bet more interesting by making the losing team servants to the winning team for that specific day and the following day.

Lena walked out of the bathroom looking a little pale. The boys suddenly noticed her.

"Are you all right?" Jaejoong asked with concern. He immediately went to Lena's side and made her sit down on her bed.

Lena tried to smile. "I'm all right. I'm just a bit hungry, I guess. Plus I think I stayed in the shower too long," she tried to explain.

"Then you should eat," Xiah said.

Lena ate her breakfast in silence. The boys sensed that something was wrong with her. But she just didn't want to say anything.

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