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The next day, Xiah woke up early. He noticed that Jaejoong was gone. He immediately woke up the other DBSK members. They decided to look for him.

In the hologram room, they found him still sleeping. He was already dressed and the scene was already changed. The scene was already set in the field of flowers near the cliff.

"Hyung....hyung....wake up," Max said.

Jaejoong suddenly opened his eyes. He saw the other DBSK members all looking at him with concern.

"Are you all right?" Micky asked.

"Why did you sleep here?" Xiah asked.

Jaejoong was still confused on what had happened. He still couldn't think straight. Then as minutes passed by, he started to remember what had happened between him and Lena.

"Where's Lena?" Jaejoong suddenly asked.

"She's not here. Why are you looking for her? Was she here with you?" Xiah asked curiously.

"You were the only one here when we came in," Max said.

Jaejoong started to look around. He started to think about what happened. Was it real? He started to ask himself. He looked around again. The scene was different. Was he only dreaming? He asked himself again.

Xiah saw a wine glass and a bottle of red wine.

"Did you drink?" Xiah asked Jaejoong.

"No wonder he's like that," Micky said as he sighed.

Jaejoong was confused. He was so sure that what happened between him and Lena was real.

"Come on. We better get back before the others wake up," Max said.

Jaejoong just followed his friends as they all left the hologram room. As he was leaving the room, he started to think about what really happened, whether it was real or just a dream.

The DBSK members and the others immediately prepared themselves for breakfast. Jaejoong was still unable to get a grip of himself. He was still wondering about what happened to him in the hologram room.

"Do you still have a hangover?" Xiah asked him.

"No, I'm fine," Jaejoong answered.

"Come on, let's go to the hologram room already. I am starving," Max said to the others.

All of the boys went to hologram expecting that breakfast was already set. And they weren't disappointed. As soon as they entered the room, the smell of different kinds of food was already present in the air.

The long table that they use everyday was already set with different kinds of food. There were also pastries and cakes.

The boys happily sat down on the table. But as soon as they sat down, they noticed that someone was missing. Lena wasn't in the room.

"Where is she?" Jeong Hoon asked.

"Maybe she went back to her room," Rain said.

"Well, she'll be definitely be back in a few minutes," Joe added.

"Do you think she's sick?" Min Woo suddenly asked.

"Maybe we should check up on her," Hyesung said with concern.

"Well, let's ask Saia where Lena is," Jun Jin suggested.

"Saia, can you tell me where Lena is?" Andy said.

"Lena is in her room with Prince Aros," Saia replied immediately.

"With Prince Aros? Do you think something's wrong?" Xiah asked the others.

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