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The DBSK boys and the others were all shocked with what they heard.

"What? You mean we are here because Prince Aros hopes that Lena will fall for one of us?" Lee Wan asked again in disbelief.

Josh suddenly laughed. "Yeah! That's the main point. Since Lena won't do it with any one of us. Then maybe she can do it with one of you."

The DBSK boys and the others were somehow offended with what Josh said. They didn't like Josh very much. He was too vulgar and too direct. He was sort of the person who didn't care if he was already offending someone with what he was saying or doing.

"Sorry if Josh is being rude again. But what he is saying is the truth. Both Prince Aros and Prince Lion have made plans for you to be transferred here, in the hope that Lena will eventually fall in love with one of you and end up giving herself up. I know it may sound very unreasonable for them to be even considering such ideas. But they are very desperate already. Lena wouldn't follow what they want and she is insisting that she will only sleep with someone if she feels something for that person," Michael said.

"So you're all ganging up on her?" Jun Jin said with disgust.

"And you said that you are all concerned about her..." Hyesung commented.

"We know it sounds bad. But please do understand that if Lena doesn't surrender her virginity, then she might die. She's already dying.... Can't you guys understand that?" Mika asked.

"But isn't there any other way? It's like you're all forcing her to be raped or something," Max said with concern.

"If we really wanted to rape her. Then we could have done that a long time ago," Tony replied.

"Prince Aros and Prince Lion have already talked with us about what we could do to make her give herself up. We even had some plans to make her drunk and lose control one time. But we just ended up making ourselves drunk and she was so sober that she was the one who took care of all of us," Tony said with a smile on his lips.

"You mean you guys really did try to do that to her?" U-Know asked.

"Please try to understand that we are only thinking about her situation. We don't want to do anything bad to her really... But she had been stubborn so long that as you al know her whole body is slowly deteriorating very fast. She doesn't have much time. If I were in her position I would have just done what they wanted and get everything over with," Serena said.

"But....we can't really judge you guys since we know that you are only thinking about her welfare. But getting her drunk and setting her up to be slept with is really way out of line," Jaejoong said with a hard tone.

"She's a really nice girl. That's why we couldn't continue with it really. So we just ended up drinking so much so to just let out all our frustrations. When I try to think about what we had planned really, it also makes me sick. But we just want to make her well. And we can't do that if we don't even try the suggestions that the researchers are giving us. And the last suggestion that the researchers are telling us is that Lena might get cured if she were to give herself up. They say that she may change and get her powers after she makes love for the first time. The funny thing is she found out about what we had planned for her and she didn't even get mad. She said that she understood us and that she forgave us for doing such a thing to her," Chris said.

"She's the nicest girl that I've ever met. And frankly, any man would be so damn lucky if she were to fall in love with him," Nikka commented.

"Well, it is such a waste really. So what if she is very smart and very beautiful but she doesn't have much time left really ..." Josh suddenly exclaimed.

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