Chapter 27 (FINAL)

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-Next Day-

So, it was 3pm and they were ready to leave for the concert.

'We're leaving in 5 minutes!' Mom yelled and came to Lisa.

'Are you sure about your decision? I mean, it's awesome that you want to, but think about it. You just left the hospital.' Mom said.

'Yes Mom. I'm sure about my decision. I missed it alot and I have my sisters. If something is wrong, my sisters are with me. I trust them.'

'That's okay Lisa. But, try to be careful. Sit on your cajon if you feel tired or weird. Promised?' Mom smiled.

'Promised.' Lisa smiled back and grabbed her syringe set. The first time she was proud about it.
Mom and Lisa went to the room door and met the others there. They smiled at Lisa.

'Let's go?' Lisa smiled back.

'Go!' Dani yelled and they all ran through the hotel floor. Just Lisa looked unhappy about this. Suddenly, her brother came and took her on his back. He ran after the other girls.

'We get you!' Lisa yelled. She had her bright smile on. She laughed like she did before everything happened. Her parents laughed and were glad to see Lisa like this.

'Faster! We get them!' Lisa said to her brother.

'Everything for the queen. But just for this big bright Lisa smile.' he said laughing and ran faster. Lisa started laughing. They ran torwards the stairs and to then to the hotel yard.

'Winner!' Lisa yelled and went down, because she was still on her brothers back.

'Owwee Lisa that was mean!' Dani laughed and tickled Lisa. Lisa laid on the bottom and laughed hard. Dani next to her.

'Hey! Girls get up!' dad laughed. There wasn't that mood, since Lisa got diabetes. They went into the cab and drove to the Hall where they were going to perform. Lisa wasn't at the last 3 shows. Yes, they thought they have just 2 concerts in spain, but they had shows at little places too. Everything changed while Lisa was in the hospital.

So, they did the soundcheck and changed into their concerts clothes. Everything went fine. Then they had the meet&greet. The people missed Lisa! Lisa did never expect that nobody was under them, who sent hate to her. The fans gave them presents and lots of love and hope.

-Concert time-

After they performed a couple songs, Lisa looked to her sisters. They knew what she wanted to do. They smiled and nodded proudly. Lisa went in the front of the crowd.

'Guys, I need to tell you something. Maybe you know I wasn't at the last concerts. And a lot of you guys saw the picture of me putting a syringe into my belly on twitter. It's because I have diabetes. I was in the hospital and all what I had was my family. I'm so proud to be a part of such an amazing family. My aunt came specially from America to help me. But, you don't need to be worried about me. I learned to live with it and now it's a part of my life. I hope you all have such a lovely and kind family like I have. Thanks.' Lisa smiled and looked down.

Then, everyone started cheering and Lisa's sisters came up to her and hugged her tight. Mom and Dad Cimorelli stood arm in arm next to the stage. Mom lost obviously tears. Lisa smiled to her Mom.

'I love you.' Lisa whispered to her Mom.

The most precious gift is Family.


I hope you enjoyed this story :) Let me know about your thoughts! Thanks for reading!

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