Chapter 19

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Dad stood up and went out with the girls. Mom, Carol and Christina stayed in the cafeteria. Christina needed to calm down.

'Come on Christina, we're going to the hotel... Seems like you need a timeout. Also, you need some new clothes' Mom said and looked into her eyes. Christina nodded and they went out. Yes, Christina is 24, but at least, everyone needs a mom. The others already took another cab. They were laughing but then, the half of them became tired. They went to the hotel and Katherine packed some stuff for Lisa. While they already were in the hotel, Christina, Carol and Mom sat in a cab. The whole drive, Christina held her Phone in her lap. She was still waiting for Nick. It was horrible to see her like this. Mom picked Christina's phone out of her hands. Christina didn't realize this at first. As they came to the hotel room, Kath was still packing for Lisa. Christina went to her bed without saying anything. She picked her IPod and her headphones. Mom still had her phone.

'Mom, what's wrong with Chrissy?' Amy whispered.

'She's a little bit depressed because of Nick. She doesn't want to understand. She thinks work is more important for Nick. I took her phone now... She needs a timeout.'

Amy went to Christina's bed and sat down next to her. Christina moved around and looked at Amy. Amy took her hand.

'You don't need to be the strong girl for us. You can show that you're just a human too.' Amy whispered.

Christina hugged Amy. Carol and Mom watched this. They were so happy about this.

'Did you see Lisa's brush?' Kath asked.

'I think in the bathroom, Kath.' Mom answered.

'Thank you Mom. Will you come with Dad and Me? We'll go back to the hospital.' Kath said.

'No, I don't think so... Maybe Carol will come with you.'

'Yes, I'll come with you if you want.' Carol smiled.

'I'm ready, let's go?' Dad said.

'Yes, Dad here is Lisa's stuff.' Kath showed him and he took the bag. Kath and Carol went outside, took a bus and were looking for the right bus stop. Yes, they always used a cab, so it was really expensive. After an half, they finally found the right bus stop. As they entered Lisa's hospital room, Lisa had some tea and a doctor lady sat there.

'Heyy' Lisa smiled.

'Hey sweetheart.' Das smiled back.

'Where's mom?' Lisa lost her smile.

'She stayed at the hotel. She's coming tomorrow, I hope it is okay?' Dad looked confused.

'Oh... yes.. Okay dad...' Lisa looked anxious.

'Hola' Dad said to the lady.

'Hola. Lisa, your Dad is here now. I need to go. Be carefully, okay?' the lady said.

'It's okay.' Lisa said with a weird voice.

You could see she was in fear, but she was smiling. Lisa missed her Mom.

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