Chapter 22

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'Lisa, how old was this guy?' Amy asked.

'I guess he is around 25...'

'And what's his name?'

'I'm not sure, but when I ran away I heard someone yelling a name. Matthew or something... Why do you ask?'

'I'm just worried...'

'You don't need to. I'm okay.'

'Lisa, I'm your sister, and I know you since I was born. You were never really strong in this. And lying isn't your business haha.'

'Okay, this guy is history. But you're right, I was afraid for a time. I didn't know how to act. What if he is coming back? What if I would love him? Yes, I loved him Amy...'

'What?? You loved him?? Lisa, why...' Amy looked down.

'Amy, please don't judge me. I couldn't do anything against my feelings... He was really nice and cute. But then...'

'Lisa, I'm not mad at you. Love is love... But now, I understand rightly.'

'Please, can we close this conversation? You understood, but I didn't!'

'It's okay. Don't listen to him. You are NOT.'

Amy hugged Lisa and suddenly, Dani came to them and surprised Lisa with a tickle attack.

'DANI STOP!' she laughed and tried to tickle back but Dani ran away.

'DANI THAT'S NOT FAIR I'M NOT ABLE TO RUN!' Lisa laughed very hard.

'Okay Dani, wait!' Amy yelled and followed Dani. Lisa just laughed about this. Lauren came to the bench and took Lisa's hand. Lisa stood up and Lauren took her arm around her sister's shoulder. They walked over the way.

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