Chapter 18

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Mom and the girls, except Christina, went back. The doctor was still treating Lisa. He explained her some stuff and palpated her belly.

—-1 hour later—-

Mom, Dad, aunt Carol and the girls went to the cafetaria. It was getting dark outside, but Christina was still there. She was waiting for Nick calling her back. What the heck is wrong? Why isn't he calling back? Then, finally, she got a voicemessage from him.

'Hey honey, what's up?? what's wrong?? are you okay?? I'm sorry I can't call you right now, my boss said no to phone calls... And you know, I need this job! I'm sorry Chris, I will call you back as soon as I can! (man voice in the background) Sorry Chris! My boss is yelling at me! See you! Love you so much!'

Christina got a tear in her eye. It started raining. Christina went back. It was really cold and she was getting wet...

Mom and Carol were talking about some stuff, while the girls were eating.

'Well, where's Christina?' Carol asked.

'I think she's talking to Nick.' Mom answered.

Carol started smiling around.

'He's the right boy for Christina.' Carol said.

Suddenly, Christina came in. Seemed like she spotted them. Christina was shaking. It was not only the rain and the coldness. She looked drained.

'Christina, honey, what's wrong??' Mom stood up and touched her shoulder and her wet hair.

'I don't understand Nick...' she said and started crying. She fell into Moms arms. Mom looked into Carols eyes.

'What has he done honey?' Carol asked carefully.

'His job is more important than me!' she said.

'No, I can't believe this, Chris.' Dani commented.

Actually, Christina wasn't so dramatically at all, but right now, she didn't understand anything, because this was too much. Lisa, the hospital, the concerts, the interviews, then Nick...

'I think we should go back to the Hotel...' Dad said.

'Buuuuut...' Lauren disagreed.

'Yes, we should bring Lisa some clothes, okay?' Dad continued.

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