Chapter 5

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As all the people got their seats, the airplane rolled out. Lisa sat on the window and looked out, Dani and Lauren shared headphones, Christina took a book and Kath and Amy watched a movie.

After two hours, Lisa suddenly felt weird. She touched Christina.

'Chris?' Lisa said quietly.

Christina listened to music, but she put the headphones out, after Lisa touched her.

'What's up Lisa?' Christina asked worried.

'I-I don't feel well..' Lisa said and took a deep breathe.

Christina totally paid attention and gave Lisa a little sugar thingy. Lisa ate it and closed her eyes. She breathed deeply.

'Better?' Christina asked a minute later.

Lisa nodded slowly, but she still didn't open her eyes. Mom spotted Christina and Lisa. She saw that something wasn't right.

'Lisa? Are you alright??' Mom asked.

'I gave her a piece of sugar...' Christina answered.

'Please tell me if something happens...' Mom said worried.

'Okay Mom.' Christina said.

Lisa looked like she would throw out some time in the next minutes..

Christina took a water bottle and gave Lisa. Lisa tried to drink but she couldn't.

'Mom??' Christina said worried.

'Yeah??' Mom said.

'Please come to us, I don't know what to do! Lisa feels very bad!'

Mom stood up and came to their row. Dani and Lauren just realized that something wasn't right. Mom wasn't able to come over them. Dani and Lauren stood up. They tried to not get attention, so they went to Dad. Mom sat down next to Lisa. She took her arms around Lisa. Lisa still felt bad.

'Come on Lisa. We're going to the toilet.' Mom said worried and took Lisa's hand. They stood up and went to the toilet. Dani went back to the row and asked Christina what happend.

'She feels very bad... I don't know she looked sick, like she would throw out the next moment.' Christina said.

'Oh no... Is it just the flight, or her sickness?' Dani asked.

'I don't know Dani, I don't know... It's new for me too...' Christina said.

While they were talking, Mom and Lisa were at the toilet. Okay the toilet was pretty small, but Mom couldn't let her alone. Lisa threw out for 2 times.

'Do you feel better, honey?' Mom asked.

'I don't know...' Lisa said.

Mom went out with Lisa. Lisa sat down at her seat. Mom picked Lisa's equipment out of Lisa's bag and did the treatment. Lisa was totally under sugared.

'Mike, please give me the little lunch box from my bag.' she said.

Mike gave it through the row and Mom picked grapes. The doctor said it's good if she is under sugared.

'Here Lisa... Eat the grapes. You need some food and sugar.' She said carefully.

Lisa picked the grapes and ate 3. She felt better after this. The insulin and the grapes helped.

'Thank you Mom... I'm still not connected with this..' Lisa said.

'You're not the only one Lisa.' Mom said and Christina nodded.

Mom stayed in this row, but nothing happened the next hours.

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