chapter 37

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⚠️trigger warnings: knife mentions, mention of physical abuse, feeding tube/malnourished, iv fluids/dehydrated⚠️

lizzie's pov:
the sound of the front door opening barely registered in my mind. it was probably just scarlett, as she'd promised to drop by today to keep me company and stave off the loneliness that had become my constant companion.

but as the minutes ticked by, the absence of lia's presence in the house grew heavier. each corner seemed to echo with the emptiness left by her absence. without her infectious laughter and boundless energy, the rooms felt cavernous, swallowing me whole in their silent expanse.

my stomach churned with hunger, a reminder that i hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. the thought of food felt distant and unimportant compared to the ache in my heart for lia's return. sleep had also evaded me, leaving me to toss and turn in a bed that suddenly felt too big and too cold without her small form curled up beside me.

every passing moment without lia felt like an eternity. the uncertainty gnawed at my insides, a relentless reminder of the fragile thread that held our world together. despite my efforts to cling to hope, the fear crept in, whispering doubts about her safety.

i longed for her safe return, praying to any deity who would listen to bring her back to me unharmed. but in the depths of my despair, a chilling realization settled in – the odds of her safe return grew slimmer with each passing hour.

the sound of footsteps echoing up the stairs sent a shiver down my spine, followed by the creak of my bedroom door swinging open. but i wasn't there. since scarlett's departure yesterday, i'd taken refuge in lia's room, seeking solace in the familiar surroundings that still held traces of her presence.

as the footsteps drew nearer, my heart raced with anticipation. the door to lia's room creaked open, and there stood scarlett, her eyes filled with sympathy and concern, mirroring the turmoil raging within me.

"oh, honey," scarlett whispered, her voice heavy with sympathy, a gentle acknowledgment of the pain that weighed heavily on my heart.

a knock on the front door shattered the fragile peace of the morning, prompting scarlett and me to exchange a puzzled glance, wondering who could be visiting so early.

with a heavy heart, i left lia's room and descended the stairs, scarlett following close behind. opening the door revealed two officers standing solemnly on the doorstep, their presence sending a wave of apprehension coursing through me.

"is this miss olsen?" one of the officers inquired, her face familiar from our previous encounter – officer wilson.

"yes, this is she," i replied, my voice betraying a mixture of anxiety and anticipation, bracing myself for whatever news they had to deliver.

"is it okay if we come in to talk?" the other officer spoke up, his tone respectful yet tinged with urgency.

"of course, come in," i replied, stepping aside to let them enter.

closing the door behind them, we made our way to the living room, where scarlett and i settled on one couch while the officers occupied the other.

"we've found your daughter's phone, miss olsen, and we have reason to believe we know where she is," officer wilson informed me, her words hanging heavy in the air.

"you do?" i questioned, a glimmer of hope flickering within me.

"we believe that they are in a hotel under a fake name. we have officers heading there now. they booked a room this morning, the day after her disappearance. while we can't be certain, the receptionist recognized your daughter and her birth parents from the news," she explained, her voice steady despite the gravity of the situation.

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