chapter 5

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chris hemsworth's pov:
as i gradually woke up, i noticed lia still peacefully asleep on my chest. lizzie must still be on set filming. i reached for my phone resting on the coffee table and glimpsed the time, realizing lizzie wasn't back yet. concern flooded my mind. was she alright? had something gone wrong?

it was already 5:30pm, and lizzie's filming had ended at 2:00pm. unlocking my phone, i swiftly captured a photo of lia nestled on my chest before sending a message to lizzie.

one and only lizzie olsen 🫶

c: hey lizzie, are you alright? it's 5:30pm, and i still have lia. you finished at 2:00pm right? lia is still asleep, so don't worry.

l: i'm sorry. i saw you two asleep, and i didn't want to disturb anything, so i stayed with scarlett in her trailer until 3:00pm. then i've been in my trailer since.

c: you should have woken me up, lizzie. you finished at 2:00pm and that was 3 and a half hours ago. i wouldn't have minded.

l: it's okay, chris. i'm on my way to your trailer now.

c: just walk in, okay? lia's still asleep.

l: sure, chris.

about two minutes later, lizzie walked in and settled on the arm of the couch where lia and i remained lying.

"how was she?" she asked.

"she was alright. we played a game on my phone for a bit before she got tired and fell asleep. so, for about half an hour, i scrolled mindlessly through social media until i also got tired and must have dozed off," i replied.

"you're so sweet with her, and you've only known her a day," she said, her voice filled with warmth.

"of course, lizzie. you know i've got a soft spot for them. they're such sweet little humans," i chuckled.

"that they are," she agreed, sharing a moment of appreciation for lia's innocence.

lia began to stir, offering me a smile before turning to lizzie, her arms reaching out. lizzie chuckled, rising from her seat to lift lia from my grasp as i sat up.

"thank you so much for watching her, chris," lizzie beamed.

"that's okay, lizzie. i'm glad to help," i replied warmly.

"thank you for staying with me, chris. i had fun," lia grinned.

"that's okay, little one. i'd be happy to do it again," i assured her.

"come on, lia, it's time to go," lizzie announced, ushering them out of my trailer after a few more minutes.

lizzie's pov:

"did you have fun with chris?" i asked lia as we left.

"yes, chris let me play this game on his phone, and then i think i fell asleep on him because i remember waking up on him," lia recalled with a smile.

"that's good, sweetie. chris fell asleep too, so don't worry too much. he only woke up about five minutes before you did," i reassured her with a chuckle.

"how was your scene, lizzie?" lia inquired.

"it was good, sweetie," i replied with a smile.

"what do you want for dinner tonight, then?" i asked.

"pizza, lizzie!" lia exclaimed happily.

"sure thing, hun," i said, matching her enthusiasm.

a few minutes later, we pulled up outside the house, and i parked in the driveway. we got out of the car and made our way inside.

"do you want me to start your pizza now, lia?" i asked softly, wanting to make her feel at home.

"yeah, please," she smiled gratefully.

"okay, that's fine. you can watch tv if you want," i told her, gesturing towards the living room.

"okay, lizzie," she said sweetly, her voice carrying a hint of relief.

i put lia's pizza in the oven and joined her in the living room while it was cooking.

"lizzie," the little girl said softly.

"mhm?" i replied, turning to her with a gentle smile.

"i don't know how to turn on the tv," she confessed.

"oh, right. yeah, sorry," i responded, realizing i hadn't shown her yet.

i picked up the remote from the coffee table and turned on the tv. opening up disney+, i chose something i thought she would enjoy. as it turned out, she did, because not even five minutes into the film, she was already giggling, filling the room with joy.

authors note:

word count: 724

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