chapter 23

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scarlett's pov:
today, i was on set with lia and rose. lizzie wasn't there today, so lia stayed at my place last night while lizzie and robbie had some alone time.

anyway, the whole cast planned a movie night at my house tonight, so i'll be heading to the store with two kids. quite interesting, i must say.

when it was time to wake rose and lia up, i found them already awake in rose's bedroom, engrossed in rose's ipad.

"good morning, girls," i greeted them with a warm smile.

"morning, auntie scarlett," lia replied.

"morning, mom," rose said.

i asked rose what she wanted to wear, to which she shrugged in response. then, i confirmed with lia that she had clothes in her backpack, which she nodded to.

"okay, i'll get that for you now, lia," i told her.

after retrieving lia's backpack from downstairs, i handed her the clothes and directed her to change in the bathroom. then, i gave rose her clothes and left the room to change into my own outfit for the day—blue skinny jeans and a grey hoodie. i didn't pay much attention to my attire, knowing I'd have to change into my natasha romanoff outfit later anyway.

suddenly, i heard lia yell for me, so i went to the bathroom to check on her.

"what's wrong, sweetheart?" i asked.

"can you come in?" she requested.

"okay, honey," i agreed, entering the bathroom to find her struggling to put her top on.

"i tried to get my top on, but it didn't exactly work out" she confessed with a shrug.

"alright, honey, i'll help you," i assured her.

after sorting out lia's wardrobe mishap, we headed downstairs to find rose already at the countertop. colin had already left for work, taking cosmo with him as per his request. once the girls finished breakfast and i had something to eat too, the three of us went upstairs to brush our teeth.

after finishing brushing our teeth, we went downstairs, and the girls requested their hair to be styled in two braids, so i happily obliged.

once their hair was done, we put on our shoes and jackets, and then made our way to my car. after ensuring everyone was buckled in, i drove off to set.

we arrived on set 15 minutes later, and i had a scene to film in 20 minutes, so the girls stayed with hemsworth. i knew he'd enjoy their company after their makeover on him.

i escorted the girls to my trailer, knowing that's where hemsworth would meet us. as soon as we entered, there was a knock on the door.

the girls excitedly rushed to the door and opened it to find hemsworth. they immediately jumped into his arms as he carried them inside, settling down on the couch with them in his lap.

"chris, you still have a bit of makeup on you," lia pointed out, and i glanced up to see she was right.

"oh, yeah, you do," i confirmed with a chuckle.

"ugh, girls. get it off, scarlett, please," chris pleaded.

i laughed and grabbed a paper towel to wipe it off, teasing him afterward.

"i think you liked their little makeover on you, as you left that on. daily reminder of it," i teased, giggling as he rolled his eyes.

"well, i must go now as i've got to get into my natasha romanoff outfit. girls, behave for hemsworth," i said, knowing full well they wouldn't.

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