chapter 4

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lizzie's pov:
after concluding my work on set for the day, i left lia under the watchful eye of chris h while i completed my final scene.

as i made my way to chris' trailer to reunite with lia, i couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation mixed with a hint of apprehension.

knocking on the door once, then twice, i waited for a response, but the trailer remained silent. a surge of worry crept over me, though i reminded myself that lia was in capable hands with chris.

despite my rationalization, i couldn't help but imagine various scenarios playing out in my mind. was lia okay? had something happened while i was away? these thoughts raced through my mind as i debated whether to knock again or simply enter.

opting for the latter, i cautiously pushed open the door to chris' trailer and stepped inside. what i found immediately eased my concerns and warmed my heart. there, nestled on the couch, lia lay fast asleep, her head resting gently on chris' chest as he slept soundly beneath her.

the sight was undeniably adorable, a moment frozen in time that captured the innocence and trust shared between a child and a caring adult.

as i watched them slumber peacefully, a sense of gratitude washed over me, knowing that lia was not only safe but also cherished in the company of chris.

quietly, so as not to disturb their peaceful rest, i retrieved lia's belongings and prepared to leave the trailer. closing the door softly behind me, i couldn't help but smile at the sight of lia and chris, their intertwined figures evoking a sense of familial warmth.

perhaps chris was becoming an uncle figure to her? anyways, that was a conversation for another day. as i walked away, i carried with me the reassurance that lia was not only safe but also surrounded by genuine care and affection. she deserved it.

i brought lia's and my belongings to my car just for a quick drop off before heading to scarlett's trailer. knowing she wouldn't finish until 3:00pm and wasn't busy, i decided to walk in without knocking.

"hey, lizzie, where's lia?" scarlett inquired.

"oh, she's with chris," i answered.

"chris went home?" scarlett questioned.

"not that chris, chris hemsworth," i clarified.

"ah, got it. weren't you supposed to pick her up anyway?" she asked.

"i was, but then i stumbled upon something," i explained.

"what? is everything alright? was it something concerning?" she asked with concern.

"no, everything's fine. lia's just asleep on chris, who's also asleep. here, i took a photo. it's quite adorable," i said, showing her the picture.

"that's so sweet. he's like an uncle to her," she remarked with a smile.

"that's exactly what i thought!" i replied, feeling optimistic.

i glanced at my phone as it chimed with a message from alice.

alice :)

a: hey lizzie, i've spoken to the judge, and he mentioned he'd send the necessary forms for you to fill out. they should arrive at your address within a week and once filled out you want to take to this address *address attached*

l: oh, my! thank you so much, alice. i can't express my gratitude enough.

a: that's okay, hun.

with a smile, i set my phone down.

"who's got you beaming like that?" she inquired.

"oh, it's alice. she informed me that she spoke to the judge, and he's sending the forms to fill out," i replied.

"aw, that's fantastic news. this could really be a positive turn. are you planning to tell lia?" scarlett asked.

"yeah, but i'm cautious. i don't want to raise her hopes if things don't plan out as expected," i explained.

"i understand. regardless, she'll appreciate everything you've done for her," scarlett reassured.

"but what if she ends up with someone who hurts her again? she's only three, and she's already been through so much. it would devastate her to endure it again," i expressed my concerns.

"it'll work out, honey. i'm keeping you in my prayers," she said supportively.

"thank you," i replied with gratitude.

authors note:

i am completely making up the adoption process as i am clueless with all of that so apologies.

word count: 704

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