chapter 3

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upon arriving on set with lia, i noticed her nervous demeanor, though she attempted to hide it—something she likely learned from her parents.

as we stepped out of the car, lia requested to be picked up, and i gladly obliged, cradling her close as she nestled her head into the curve of my neck.

passing through security, i spotted two familiar faces, scarlett and chris evans.

"scarlett! lizzie has a child, and you didn't tell us!" chris' booming voice startled lia.

"hey, lia, it's alright. you're safe. chris can be a bit loud, but he means well," i reassured her, trying to ease her apprehension.

"it's okay, sweetheart. you're safe," i repeated, gently setting lia down and crouching to her level, holding her hands as she clung to me tightly.

after a few minutes, lia's nerves settled, and i lifted her back into my arms just as chris approached with scarlett.

"i'm sorry, lizzie. scarlett didn't tell me much. i had no idea," chris apologized sincerely.

"it's alright, chris. don't worry about it," i reassured him before requesting quieter behavior from the actors to prevent further distress for lia.

as chris walked off to relay the message, scarlett expressed her apologies, to which i offered reassurance and understanding.

two hours later, i found myself seated with lia and the rest of the actors. lia seemed particularly drawn to hemsworth, happily seated in his lap, playing with his rings.

chris hemsworth's pov:

"are you the chris i met earlier?" lia inquired, breaking the silence.

"no, that was the other chris. he tends to get a bit loud when he's excited," i explained, trying to lighten the mood.

"hey, lia?" i prompted after a moment of quiet.

"mhm," she responded, her attention still fixed on my rings.

"i have this game on my phone that my two boys love to play. would you like to give it a try?" i offered politely.

"sure," lia agreed with a smile.

i retrieved my phone and opened the game, guiding lia through the controls. she seemed to enjoy it, prompting me to think about introducing it to lizzie later, given lia's enthusiasm.

"hey, chris?" lizzie interrupted.

"yeah, lizzie, what's up?" i replied.

"could lia hang out with you while i make a quick phone call?" she asked.

"of course," i readily agreed.

lizzie's pov:
i asked chris if he could watch lia while i made a call to my lawyer, and he agreed, knowing his soft spot for kids as a father himself. sitting in my trailer, i dialed my lawyer's number.

"lizzie, everything alright?" alice's voice came through the phone.

"yes, alice, all good. i was wondering if it's possible to file a petition for adoption?" i inquired.

"it could be. i'll speak to a judge later today and see if they can send one out to your address," she replied.

"that would be perfect, thank you," i said gratefully.

"of course, i'll let you know what happens later, lizzie," alice assured before ending the call. happily, i returned to the group and pulled scarlett aside.

"i just spoke with my lawyer," i said, excitement bubbling in my voice.

"yes? did it go well?" scarlett asked, sensing my joy.

"i think so. alice mentioned the possibility of filing a petition for adoption. she's going to talk to a judge later to arrange it. i'll get an update soon," i explained.

"that's wonderful, lizzie. i'm so happy for you," scarlett beamed, enveloping me in a hug which i gladly returned.

chris evans' pov:

"what's up with those two? first, lizzie steps out to make a call, and now she and scarlett are over there giggling about something," i queried chris h, gesturing towards them.

"how would i know?" chris h replied with a shrug.

"i don't know," i admitted, mirroring his shrug.

"what about you, lia? any idea what lizzie and scarlett are giggling about?" chris h asked the child. lia shook her head, her attention fixed on the game on chris' phone.

"how do you expect a three year old to know?" rdj interjected.

i don't know," chris replied, echoing the sentiment.

shortly after, lizzie and scarlett returned, drawing the attention of everyone in the room who seemed curious about their whereabouts.

"what's up, lizzie? scarlett?" jeremy inquired.

lizzie stifled a giggle as she replied, "nothing much," a sentiment echoed by scarlett.

authors note:

word count: 734

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