chapter 14

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** a week later **

after dropping off the necessary paperwork yesterday, i received confirmation from the judge that the court hearing is scheduled for may 7th, just two weeks away. today, i need to discuss the hearing with ashley, chris h, and scarlett. since lia was still asleep and ashley was awake, i decided to call her without disturbing lia. i found ashley's contact and she answered promptly.

"hey lizzie, everything alright?" ashley inquired.

"yeah, ashley, i've received the date for the court hearing. are you still available to be a reference for me?" i asked with apprehension.

"absolutely, just send me the details, and i'll be there. mary-kate might also attend to support you and eliana," she reassured me.

"ah, yes, i've missed you two as well," i replied warmly.

"we've missed you too. are you working today, lizzie?" ashley inquired.

"yes, i am. i'll need to wake lia up in about five minutes," i explained.

"alright, i'll let you get to it. have a good day at work. i love you," ashley said affectionately.

"i love you too, ashley," i reciprocated before ending the call.

heading back upstairs to my bedroom, i found lia already awake, smiling at me.

"hey, sweetie, did you sleep well?" i asked her.

"yeah, i slept fine," lia shrugged.

"okay, dear, what do you want to wear today?" i asked.

"i don't know, anything's fine," lia replied casually.

"alright, let's go to your room and pick something out, hm?" i suggested, and lia nodded in agreement.

"lizzie, up!" she exclaimed.

"want me to carry you?" i inquired with a grin.

"mhm," she nodded eagerly.

giggling, i scooped up the little girl in my arms and carried her to her bedroom. once inside, i settled her on the bed and scanned her wardrobe, grabbing the first outfit i laid eyes on.

"is this okay, love?" i asked softly.

"yeah, it's fine," she shrugged.

"alright, dear, do you want to dress yourself?" i offered.

"no, lizzie, you dress me," she requested.

"okay, love, if that's what you prefer," i replied, accepting her choice.

with her nod of approval, i removed her pajamas and dressed her in the chosen outfit.

"breakfast, love?" i suggested.

"yes!" she giggled.

"alright, let's go," i smiled, leading her to the kitchen.

as lia showed no signs of getting out of bed, i assumed she wanted to be lifted, and sure enough, she erupted into giggles as i lifted her into my arms.

after breakfast, i washed the dishes, and we finished getting ready before heading to the car and driving to the set. arriving fifteen minutes later, i parked and sent a text to hemsworth and scarlett, arranging to meet them in the parking lot.

i retrieved lia from the back seat, carrying her as she seemed to enjoy it lately. as i shut the car door, i noticed chris and scarlett standing nearby. lia's face lit up at the sight of chris.

"chris!" lia squealed with delight.

"hey, little one," chris chuckled, reaching out for her. lia eagerly went into his arms, displaying her fondness for him, which i found adorable.

"chris, scarlett, i have a date now for the court hearing. should i text you the details and date?" i asked them, and they nodded in agreement.

we all proceeded to the sitting area where the other actors were gathered. chris set lia down, and she darted over to the pantry, grabbing a packet of popcorn before settling on scarlett's lap.

scarlett's pov:
as i entered the sitting area with hemsworth, lizzie, and lia, lia darted over to the food stash and retrieved a bag of popcorn. she then made her way to me, indicating she wanted it opened, so i obliged before handing it back to her.

"lift me up, scar!" lia grinned.

i gently lifted her onto my lap, settling her comfortably. leaning back into the couch, lia nestled her head against my chest, and i instinctively wrapped my arm around her.

authors note:

word count: 671

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